No matter how far you live from the sea, there are a lot of things you can do to help lessen human impact on sharks in your day to day life. Here are some of the ones we do!
Image from Unsplash
1. Ask where it came from
IF you purchase seafood, please ask where it came from and how it was
caught. It's so easy to purchase swordfish and have no idea it came from a
fishery like the drift gillnet fishery off the California coast or a
longline vessel, most likely killing multiple sharks and other marine
species in the process. If the seller doesn't know or says long lines,
gillnets, or trawling, make a point of saying "oh, then no thank you." Let
businesses know their customers are becoming more aware and will not
purchase their seafood if it is caught unsustainably.
2. Check the ingredients
Did you know shark might be in your skincare, vitamins, or even pet's food?
3. Refuse single use products
Single use products, particularly ones made from plastic and polystyrene
foam, are a threat to all marine life. These items last thousands of years
and therefore have an incredibly long time to eventually find their way to
the sea, endangering animals with threats of entanglement or ingestion. When
consumed, marine life can starve to death with stomachs filled with rubbish
they're unable to digest. One of the scariest things about these products is
after they're consumed they'll outlive the body of the animal and go on to
be potentially consumed by another animal. Skip the straw, refuse the bag,
go re-usable and encourage others to do the same. You can also take the same
approach we recommend for seafood! For instance, the next time you order
takeout, make a point of asking "does it come in plastic?" or "does it come
in styrofoam?" If they say yes, tell them oh then no thanks. If people
continue to do this, restaurant owners will realize it's not worth the loss
and make the switch to more eco-friendly alternatives.
4. Friends don't let friends eat Sharks
Hopefully, it goes without saying, but don't eat shark fin soup or shark
meat! Go a step further and make sure your friends don't either! Send them a
link to one of our pages on the dangers of eating shark meat and how
important sharks are to the ocean!
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