Intelligent Allah
Articles Reflecting a Vegan Lifestyle From

Vegan lifestyle articles that discuss ways of living in peace with humans, animals, and the environment.

August 2020

We must save ourselves before we can save others, so for me, knowledge of self and self-mastery is paramount. This is how I self-govern. So veganism has been one of the greatest precursors for discipline and self-control in my life.

Intelligent Allah

Veganism was one of the things that transformed my life, having become a vegan while serving 18.5 years in prison, and serving 12.5 years in prison as a vegan before my release in 2012. While incarcerated, I also became a bestselling author, NY Times Bestselling Editor, graphic designer, and college graduate. Veganism helped me develop the discipline I lacked growing up in Brooklyn, which had culminated in my incarceration at age 17.

I now reside in Atlanta, do graphic design through my brand (KooziArts LLC) and co-own a boutique clothing line (uswear) with my vegan Queen Shana (@iamshanag on IG). uswear is committed to speaking truths through apparel that represent subcultures and marginalized communities.


I have been a vegan for 19 years. I made the decision to go vegan after reading African Holistic Health, subsequently becoming a pescatarian, then vegetarian before vegan. The goal of veganism was a means of survival... surviving a prison term of 19 to life, surviving the threat of heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes that plagued my family. I came of age during the crack era in East New York, Brooklyn, which was dubbed "The Murder Capital" by the media. The first time I saw somebody killed I was about seven years old. I lost countless friends to the streets by the time I was 15. So, survival, not even prosperity, was the overarching agenda in my life. But, no longer did I see the guns I carried on the streets as a tool for survival, or the shanks I packed in jail as a tool for survival. It was the veganism I embraced in prison as a tool for survival.

We must save ourselves before we can save others, so for me, knowledge of self and self-mastery is paramount. This is how I self-govern. So veganism has been one of the greatest precursors for discipline and self-control in my life. This is in spite of having immersed myself in the street culture of Brooklyn at age 13 and having been arrested for murder at age 17. . We are killing ourselves, animals, and ultimately the planet because we lack the discipline and self-control that veganism cultivates.


Instagram: @thehiphopvegan @kooziarts @uswearonline @veganbiz

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