Vegan lifestyle articles that discuss ways of living in peace with humans, animals, and the environment.
"I tell guys all the time, ‘if you really think you’re tough, if you really think you’re a macho guy, then give up meat, and dairy, and we’ll talk then.'”.... There’s no point in making a sustainability plan that doesn’t include food.
NFL Veteran Saunders on a video he posted on Twitter. Take that
Shattering the Meat and Masculinity Myth
Former Pittsburgh Steeler Weslye Saunders has a deep appreciation of what it
means to challenge the norm.
“It’s been a sign of masculinity to be a meat-eater for as long as I can
remember,” he explains. In the sports world, this is especially true. But
Weslye has shattered that stereotype is now challenging others to do it too.
He’s one of the celebrity faces of the DefaultVeg campaign, which seeks to
redefine “normal” food as meatless. Saunders says, since going vegan, his
endurance and energy levels have improved enormously. Skeptics are
encouraged to check out his Twitter account, where he shows off some
spectacular moves.
“I tell guys all the time, ‘if you really think you’re tough, if you really
think you’re a macho guy, then give up meat, and dairy, and we’ll talk
Legendary NFL quarterback Tom Brady is a household name. But the fact that
he is plant-based doesn’t get much mention on the sports networks. As more
and more athletes embrace vegan living to improve their performance, there
should be no question: nobody needs to eat meat to be muscular or athletic!
The hit documentary The Game Changers. which tracks vegan weightlifters,
professional football players and ultra-marathoners, provides irrefutable
evidence that eating vegan provides all the nutrients needed for
record-breaking physical achievements.
Making Nonviolent Choices The Norm!
Vegans are well-aware that, currently, the vegan option is rarely the
default. We’re always checking that special box or going to great lengths to
triple check that the food doesn’t have any sneaky animal products. Why
should our decision to leave violence off of our plates be considered
bizarre or even out of the ordinary? Animal-eaters should be the ones who
have to opt-in and think twice about their decision!
Default Veg
recognizes the power of shifting society towards seeing plant-based options
as the standard, while making carnist choices the outlier.
“In America, food is usually served in a way that reinforces the idea that
meat should be a normal part of every meal. However, when people see
delicious plant-based meals presented as the recommended option, and when
they see their co-workers, classmates, and family members eating
mouth-watering, plant-based meals, it reshapes their thinking about what a
normal meal can look like. Over time, these individual choices add up to the
big changes in our food system and our world.” - Default Veg
Jane Velez-Mitchell sits down with Laura Cascada of the Better Food
Foundation and former Pittsburgh Steeler Weslye Saunders to dig deeper into
the power of challenging societal norms.
Laura explains that people like to feel like they are a part of the societal
norm. Default Veg is here to provide that “behavioral nudge,” as she calls
it, and shift society towards a plant-based norm.
“Making good choices should be easy, but too often the quickest and simplest
options aren’t the healthiest or most sustainable. That’s why defaults are
so important. They can nudge us toward choices that are better for the
planet and us.” - DefaultVeg
Default Veg works with universities, institutions, and businesses to make
plant-based options easy, visible, and plentiful. Learn more about how to
get involved with
Default Veg and become an ambassador.
Break the Bias
Jane Velez-Mitchell recognizes that carnism is deeply embedded in our
society. We’ve been brainwashed! Every child in the US grows up with that
classic food pyramid imagery, where dairy is still a given, despite mounting
evidence that a huge percentage of the population is allergic to cow’s
breast milk.
Getting vegan food to become the norm is especially difficult when we’re
also forced to fight against government meat and dairy subsidies and Big Ag
and Big Pharma lobbying. But, if governments really care about
sustainability and the future of our planet, there is no other
option.”There’s no point in making a sustainability plan that doesn’t
include food,” Laura asserts.
Default Veg, when can we get that vegan food pyramid popularized in schools?
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