Vegan lifestyle articles that discuss ways of living in peace with humans, animals, and the environment.
If you don't see the hell humankind has created for their fellow humans and the animals we daily torment, chances are you are one of the demons.
I never really believed in hell until I went vegan. Now I wake up to the same nightmare every day. If you don't see the hell humankind has created for their fellow humans and the animals we daily torment, chances are you are one of the demons.
If you think people fleeing poverty and destitution deserve to be locked in cages and separated from their children... what kind of evil do you think is beyond that?
If you are at peace with taking the life or paying someone else to take the life of another feeling and thinking being because you like the taste of their body parts or secretions, explain how the worst incarnation of the devil might be more cruel.
We imagine that there is some ultimate evil beyond what humans are capable of that allows us to feel secure in being at least less diabolic than that posited notion of supreme evil. But in doing so we fail to give ourselves our due credit. We tell ourselves that God made humans in his own image, but in reality it is humankind that made the devil out of theirs.
Veganism is the moral baseline for all aspiring to fight back against a world in which evil has too long reigned supreme. And it only requires the simple act of asking yourself, will my actions cause the unnecessary suffering of others?
Choosing not to be vegan is nothing less than knowing you are causing unnecessary suffering and choosing not to or being unable to care.
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