Bear Kinship
Action Alerts
Are you outraged at the thought of trophy hunters killing wild bears who have been taught to trust humans? These wild bears allow people to watch them nurse their cubs while standing 20 feet away. The world famous McNeil River bears are in grave danger. Without
your help, and thousands like you, they will be shot by trophy
hunters this October.
Grizzly bear hunters take only the head and hide. The meat is left
in the field. We're asking for help. It takes just a few minutes of your time: 1) Please watch our 4 minute video, "Don't Let Them Shoot McNeil River Bears." You'll see bears who have no fear of humans, people who safely watch them, learn why these bears will be shot and what you can do to stop it. This is important! We need thousands of people to see the video to draw further media attention. If you have time for nothing else, please spend 4 minutes to watch this video. (Double click on the play button in center of video window to begin.)
2) Forward this message to everyone you know, even hunters, as ethical hunters don't hunt bears that have no fear of humans. 3) Write a Letter to the Editor to your local newspaper. Simply copy the above Action Alert, including title. Adjust if necessary. 4) If you want to help more, send a Letter to the Editor to every newspaper in your state. 5) If you have a web site, please consider adding a "Don't Let Them Shoot McNeil River Bears" link to the video. The URL to access this video on YouTube is:, from there you can copy the embedded link and paste it to your site. 6) Send a copy of this Action Alert to your governor and legislators. This is a national outrage, and they are in the position to do something about it. 7) Do not hesitate to send this to friends and contacts overseas.
McNeil River bears are a national treasure and people travel from
all over the world to see them. In 1995, we thought we had won the battle to protect these bears.
Back then, bear hunters entered a lottery to win a chance to shoot a
McNeil River bear. But Leo & I, who were leaders of a group called Friends of McNeil
River, led a drive to thwart the hunt. We encouraged thousands of
people to apply for a bear hunting permit and stay home if their
names were drawn. It worked. Six of the eight permits awarded went
to people who had applied for a permit to save a bear's life. Now the power of the Internet and YouTube technology gives us a
great advantage. Please watch the video, spread the word, and
save the life of a McNeil River bear. On behalf of the bears, thank you! Dorothy & Leo Keeler Return to Action Alerts |
PAGE ABOUT US (about the organization's founders and our goals) ABOUT BEARS (bear facts, biology, behavior, physiology, etc.) BEARS AND HUMANS (all about bear human relations, from pre-history to today and into the future) WHAT CAN I DO TO HELP? (campaigns and causes) BEAR DISCUSSION (bear forum) LINKS (links to other related organizations) |
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