Bear Kinship

Bear Spirit

Action Alerts

Bears in Katmai Preserve need your help!

Every day in October trophy hunters in Alaska are killing bears that have learned to trust humans. The bears are visited by photographers and tourists- until October 1st. Then the hunters come. All of it takes place on Federal Land.

The wildlife here desperately needs your help!

A world without bears is in the very near future
In the lower 48 grizzly bears have been pushed into only 2 % of their previous range. 100 years ago there were 10,000 grizzlies living like Katmai bears on the California coast. Now there are none. This same atrocity is now happening in Alaska.

Trophy hunters are slaughtering Alaska's bears
This year the Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game (ADFG) hopes to exterminate 1,400 bears out of a population of 2,000 in an area west of Anchorage. Hunting is especially devastating to bears because their reproduction is designed for being at the top of the food chain. Unlike prey species, who produce many offspring each year, bears have small litters every 3-5 years.

Predator control decimates entire populations
Designed to boost moose populations compromised by trophy hunting, ADFG predator control policies remove all restrictions on the hunting of predators. Huge populations of bears and wolves, living in balance with their prey, are exterminated using cruel practices like aerial shooting, trapping and baiting.

Alaska's bears are being given away to tourists
The fur industry kills thousands of bears every year to be sold as souvenirs to tourists. Bear and wolf pelts are sold just about everywhere in Alaska from gas stations to fur stores.

Bears are tortured for their gall bladders
In Asia there is a huge market for bear gall bladders which are falsely believed to increase male virility. Poachers commonly restrain and torture bears to make their gall bladders swell before "harvesting". While little poaching occurs in Katmai, it is common elsewhere in Alaska, Canada, and especially Russia.

How can you help?

You have the power to make change in Alaska

1. Don't buy fur or other wild animal products
In addition to fur also avoid other wild animal products such as bear claws/teeth, walrus ivory, and art adorned with fur.

2. Tell merchants you oppose the sale of fur products

3. Boycott businesses that do commercial trophy hunting
Shockingly, many operators do bear viewing in the summer, then transport trophy hunters to kill bears in the fall. Ask before booking a tour or flight.

4. Tell others about your experience with bears in Katmai
Spread the word that bears aren't ruthless killers and that peaceful co-existence is possible when bears aren't hunted. 

For a printable PDF guide: click here.

5. Contact the Alaska Governor and Alaska Fish and Game
Tell them you oppose the slaughter of bears and support the abolishment of the Board of Game, which is comprised entirely of trophy hunters but sets most wildlife policies in Alaska.

Websites: and

6. Urge your Representatives to protect bears
Oppose oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and support policies which protect wildlife and their habitat.

For contact information visit and

7. Sign our email list to receive info on protecting bears
(We never send spam or share addresses)

8. Support organizations protecting Alaska's wildlife:
Alaska Wildlife Alliance -
Friends of McNeil River -
Defender's of Wildlife -
Natural Resource Defense Council (NRDC) -

To be added to "Save Grizzlies" mailing list or for questions email: [email protected]

Below is a list of government contacts along with media contacts for the Anchorage Daily News. We urge all concerned citizens to contact everyone on this list including the newspaper and express your disgust over the trophy hunting of bears especially habituated ones. While you're at it express your disgust over Alaska's predator control programs.

Sarah Palin (Alaska Governor)
Email her from website: 

Denby Lloyd (Commissioner)
[email protected]
PO Box 115526
Juneau, Alaska 99811-5526
Phone: (907) 465-4100
FAX: (907) 465-2332

Kenton Taylor (Deputy Commissioner of Wildlife)
Email:  [email protected] 

Kristy Tibbles (Executive Director, Board of Game)
Email:  [email protected]
PO Box 115526
Juneau, AK 99811
Phone: (907) 465-4110
Fax: (907) 465-6094

Cliff Judkins (Chairman Board of Game)
PO Box 874124
Wasilla, Alaska 99687

Ted Spraker (Vice-Chairman Board of Game)
49230 Victoria Ave.
Soldotna, Alaska 99669

Anchorage Daily News letters to the editor:
[email protected] (225 word limit)

Anchorage Daily News Compass Piece
[email protected] (675 word limit) 

Or post your letter online:

Katmai Bear Video: 
Double click on play button in center of video window to begin.

Running time: 5 minutes.

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