5-year old shoots bear - National Media Celebrates
5-Year Old child shoots Bear
This appalling, unbelievable video is about a sweet, innocent
looking 5-year old child who brutally murdered a black bear in cold
blood for a nothing more than a trophy. His family and the news media
what he did to that poor innocent creature as if he's set up a darn
lemonade stand for cancer research donation money or something...
Unbelievably, they said nothing the least bit critical of a child
whose parents claimed taught him to use deadly weapons at the age of
2! Can you believe that blonde news woman standing over the child
patting him on the back as he stood on that beautiful bear's ruined,
desecrated remains? All lighthearted smiles, like they were at some
sort of freaking bake sale... What in God's name has happened to
I won't blame the child; for I know he doesn't know what he did and
he certainly doesn't realize what he did was wrong; the damage has
already been done to his mind forever I fear. But that bear he
murdered and desecrated was a breathing, thinking, living animal
with feelings and emotions astonishing intelligence we do not even
yet understand the capacity of... slain, left to rot in the field
with little more than his epidermis taken away to be tread upon,
denigrated and defiled as a symbol of man's complete domination and
rape of nature...
If that child had killed a poodle the news report would have taken
on dire condemning nature seeking harsh punishment for the child and
especially his parents, but since it was just a worthless bear, a
pathetic, useless, dangerous animal whose only worth is a rug, some
lousy meat or a brief thrill a hunter gets from killing it, that
child deserves a pat on the back and 15 minutes of news media fame.
I sit shocked and sickened to the core that this sort of thing is
shown on public airwaves and that we are such a society that people
would find this sort of thing.... cute? an impressive achievement?
attaboy? kill that big bad bear? How incredibly stupid, ignorant,
heartless and barbaric is our society???
Please, if you're a civil, modern decent human being who is appalled
by the nature and mentality of this news story take a few minutes to
write about this to give your thoughts on it ...
We have to fight and counter this wicked propaganda! we cannot stand
for this evil, heartless primitive mindset that this news story
attempts to bring out in Americans, if rational civilized humanity
ever has any hope! This news story and the lighthearted 'attaboy'
message it gives to praising children who slaughter these
magnificent animals for fun is a slap in the face to everything we
animal advocates stand for and a stab in the gut to anyone who has
the least bit of sympathy for animals. If you have time to read this
email you have time to write an essay in protest to the news media
propagating the bear hunting "Davy Crockett" mentality.
Write to CNN and KATV telling them you will not watch a news network
that propagates and celebrates such despicable sub-human
bottom-feeding values.
According to the CNN site with the video,
...this despicable news report video is originally from KATV Channel
7 in Arkansas, and the reporter covering it is Heather Crawford. We
should search her out and majorly come down on her and their whole
channel. Here is their site:
Arkansas Channel 7 KATV:
By Mail
Box 77
Little Rock, AR 72203
By Phone
Voice: (501) 324-7777
News Department
Main: (501) 324-7760
Phone in a news tip!
KATV Contact Page:
...but CNN is also responsible for featuring this story, here is
their contact page for feedback:
...send your outrage to whatever department/address on their site
seems appropriate, I sent shit all over the place; I want them to
get the message I"m pissed!
Forward this message with these contacts out to some of your friends
if you can!
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