Bear Kinship

Bear Spirit

Action Alerts

Bears Killed for Illegal Trade - Tell Your Senator to Act!

One of the biggest threats faced by wild bears today is an illegal yet thriving trade in bear parts. Black and brown bears are being killed so that their parts can be sold in Traditional Asian Medicine (TAM) shops in the U.S. and abroad.

Unfortunately, state laws relating to the trade in bear parts are inconsistent and, in some cases, non-existent.

The solution is clear: We need one federal law to protect bears from illegal poaching. Take action Now!   

U.S. Representative Raul Grijalva has introduced H.R. 5534, the Bear Protection Act of 2008, to protect North American bears. This Act bans the import, export and interstate trade of all bear parts and products, while closing loopholes in existing state laws.

In a recent undercover investigation, the World Society for the Protection of Animals found that the trade in intact bear gallbladders - an ingredient used in traditional Chinese medicine - had actually increased since their last investigation in 2000.

The time to act is now! Urge your Representative to co-sponsor the Bear Protection Act today.  Take action Now!   

Thank you for speaking out on behalf of the precious wildlife of North America -- and around the world.

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