Bear Kinship

Bear Spirit

Action Alerts

Help Stop Bear Poaching

A flourishing black market for bear parts has fueled a poaching plague on U.S. bears.

Urge your Representative to sign on as a cosponsor to the Bear Protection Act (H.R. 5534) -- a bill that would help save America�s bears.

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Dear Brenden,

America�s bears are facing a poaching plague. The reason? The lucrative black market for bear parts is on the rise.

But bipartisan legislation in Congress can help put an end to this disturbing trend.

Urge your Representative to sign on as a cosponsor to the Bear Protection Act (H.R. 5534) -- a bill that would help save America�s bears.

Many bears are killed just for their gallbladders, which are used in traditional Asian medicines to treat a variety of illnesses. Although accepted alternatives exist in traditional medicines, demand for bear parts is soaring.

As Asian bear populations have fallen, poachers are turning to bears in the U.S. to satisfy a flourishing black market. Each year, 30,000 or more bears are killed illegally in the U.S.

Poachers target hibernating bears in their dens and even track radio-collared bears that are part of scientific studies. And law enforcement agents report grisly findings: bear carcasses left in the woods with only the gallbladder and other parts removed.

Representatives Raul Grijalva (AZ) and John Campbell (CA) have introduced legislation that will help bears by banning the trade in gallbladders at the federal level.

The Bear Protection Act will end a patchwork of state laws that creates an enforcement nightmare and allows the illegal killing of bears to continue.

Tell your Representative to become a cosponsor of this wildlife-saving legislation today.

With your help, we can put an end to the poaching plague that our bears are facing.



Rodger Schlickeisen
Defenders of Wildlife


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