Bear Kinship

Bear Spirit

Action Alerts

Ask Your Representative to Support the Bear Protection Act!

Our U.S. House of Representatives is considering an important wildlife bill that has the potential to save the lives of tens of thousands of bears worldwide. The Bear Protection Act, H.R. 5534, would protect bears from poaching by prohibiting the import, export, and interstate commerce of bear gallbladders and bile, which are used for the underground trade in Asian pharmaceuticals and non-medical items, including shampoos and hemorrhoid creams. Some investigators have estimated that for every bear killed by sport hunters in the U.S., at least one additional bear is slaughtered by poachers and found with his/her abdomen sliced open and gallbladder removed.


Please call your Federal Representative to ask him/her to co-sponsor the Bear Protection Act, H.R. 5534. Express that it is very important to you that our U.S. Congress stops the poaching of bears for their gall bladders.
(Note: When you call, you will likely speak to a staff member who will pass your message along.)

To find out who is your Federal Representative and his/her office phone number, click here: 

After making your call, please click here  to have a follow-up e-mail sent on your behalf by the Humane Society of the U.S.

As always, thank you!
Mary Max

"Don't sit this one out. Do something. You are by accident of fate alive at an absolutely critical moment in the history of our planet." -- Carl Sagan.

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