Bear Kinship

Bear Spirit

Action Alerts

Stop Bear Baying Opinion From Being Overruled

Could you possibly write a letter similar to the one below to the SC attorney general at [email protected] . We need letters to rally support. Only in SC are poor bears caged for the singular purpose of bear baying events (dog hunting training events). It�s just beyond barbaric and cruel.

Thank you so very very much,

========== Sample E-mail =================

To: '[email protected]'
Subject: your bear baying opinion is now being overruled in SC legislature

Dear Honorable Henry McMaster,

I understand that you consider it a crime to torture animals, yet BEARS ARE BEING TORTURED IN SOUTH CAROLINA RIGHT NOW!


Representative Pitts is trying to exempt wildlife from the state�s animal cruelty laws in response to YOUR opinion regarding BEAR BAYING as a violation of SC animal cruelty laws.

Bless your heart for a conscience, for compassion, and for intelligence.

And please help us regarding Rep Pitt�s ignorant attempt to overrule your opinion.

Currently there are 28 caged bears in SC, some in horrific circumstances, and many have been in bondage for years and years, and ONLY in SC is it legal to do this!!!!! and these poor bears will spend their entire lives in bondage if your opinion is overruled. Because the only reason they are caged (some with their toes removed! Most malnourished! None with adequate space) is to provide for bear baying events.

If we can end bear baying events, not only can we save the caged bears, we can also save the heavily injured/maimed/killed hunting dogs whose owners view them as easily expendable.

Please help us.

Most respectfully yours,
Nancy Oppenheimer
[email protected]

Reply from SC Office of Attorney General

Ms. Oppenheimer:

Since our phone conversation yesterday I have learned of an individual that you may wish to contact regarding the bear baying and the new legislation that is being proposed. JJ Darby with the Human Society of the United States. He can be reached at 803-771-1507. Our office is aware of the current legislation and we are working on it.

Thank you for your dedication to the animals.

Amy A. Colquitt
Director, Constituent Services

Response from Ms. Oppenheimer

Dear Amy,

I met yesterday with a bear hunter who goes to bear baying events all the time and he told me the OBJECT of a bear baying event is to have the dogs rough up the bear. If the dogs weren't touching the bear, the event would not be considered successful. He offered to invite me, but said it's very emotional and felt it would be very very difficult to watch if I had any feeling for the bear.


The law Representative Pitts introduced and passed stating bear baying would not be illegal as long as no dogs touch the bears is a SHAM, since there is no one to enforce the law and no recording of the events are allowed.

Attorney McMasters ended cock fighting. Attorney MacMasters ended dogfighting. He must end bear baying events.

Please help these poor 28 caged bears in SC used JUST for these despicable torturous barbaric events.

Thank you.

Nancy Oppenheimer
[email protected]

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