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Copyright © 2005 by Dorothy H. Hayes
ISBN 0-595-36489-6
$15.95 US
Animal Instinct is one of the most exciting and fast moving novels we have ever read. We felt a combination of joy, frustration, anger, and relief. Perhaps it's because we know what goes on inside the animal rights movement, and how it can become more effective. Perhaps it's because we can personally relate to Eleanor, the heroine of the story, and her desire to end the suffering of animals. Perhaps it's because we all too often run into the self-destructive and volatile personalities of people in this world, like Honor, Eleanor's boss, who could do so much good, but fails to do so. Perhaps it's because almost every day we encounter the personalities of animal rights activists who divide the movement, because of a personal agenda. But mostly, we believe, it's because we can relate to Dorothy H. Hayes' desire to unite the animal rights movement, end the suffering of billions of animals, and to give them the legal rights not to be used and exploited, and to give them the moral rights to live in the peace that God created them to have.
In Animal Instinct, Dorothy H. Hayes allows us to feel the emotions and characters of the people, both inside and outside the movement, and those of animals, such as Eve, a circus elephant, whose daily suffering was ended when she finally went to a sanctuary. We experience the lies and disinformation of government officials who seek votes and money in their support of hunting. And we come to the major reason that the torture, suffering and killing is so widespread: the support of animal agriculture businesses with their factory farms and slaughterhouses that kill over 10 billion land animals in the USA every year, and do their best to hide the truth from the public; and the government officials who support their cruel operations and disinformation so that the public will continue to buy their bloody products.
We highly recommend Animal Instinct to everyone; it is a must read book.
Dorothy H. Hayes, a vegan for over 20 years has been a teacher, a journalist, and a staff writer and public relations director for a national animal protection organization. She and her husband live in Stamford, Connecticut.
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