Book Reviews and Author Interviews from

Hunting, a guide for anti-hunt and animal rights activists By Lynn Sawyer

Lynn Sawyer
Hunting, a guide for anti-hunt and animal rights activists
Kindle available at Amazon
ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0B5VN8R2Z


Hunting wild beings for sport continues in the UK to this day. This book aims to show some of the history behind both hunting for "sport" by scent and opposition to it, how it is conducted and some points on how to stop it. Hunting is but one of many ways our species causes harm to others. Regarding other animals as things to be chased and killed for no other reason than pleasure was the first way in which we tried ourselves from being part of the ecosystem on which all of our lives depend.

It is available on Kindle (evil Amazon but can be read on computer/tablet/kindle device/lap top or mobile), or by ordering from Amazon as a book.

The idea behind it was to put together something that helps other activists, sabs and campaigners with knowledge from various old hunting books. As I found it interesting and important to look at how we all ended up in an anthropocentric nightmare, I also included some historical stuff and the first hunt saboteur was mentioned in the Gilgamesh epic 4000 BC.

About the Author:

Vegan, animal rights activist based in England. I am a retired midwife and nurse and spend most of my time sabbing hunts, the badger cull and protecting wildlife. I once used to be pro hunt and worked on farms before becoming vegan in 1994.

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