Mountain Press Publishing Company
P. O. Box 2399
Missoula, Montana 59806
ISBN 0-87842-506-3
© 2005 By Marina Curtis Tidwell
$18.00 US
As many of our readers know, we enjoy exploring, studying and photographing the many wonders of God's creation, but most of our nature studies have been limited to the Northeastern United States. A couple of years ago Marina Tidwell told us about her nature studies in Southern California, and efforts at writing a book. She also sent us a couple of photos which we have published on our web site. In June 2005, Marina sent us a copy of her completed book, Beyond the Beach Blanket: A Field Guide to Southern California Coastal Wildlife.
We immediately became fascinated by all the photos and descriptions, and found ourselves walking along the Southern California beaches, looking at the tide pools, and climbing on the rocks with Marina and exploring all the wildlife. With every page we were learning something new. As an example, we had often seen shells along the beach with a small hole in them, but until we read Beyond the Beach Blanket, we never knew that these holes were drilled by a carnivorous snail.
For anyone who goes to the Southern California beaches, Beyond the Beach Blanket is a must have addition to take along. It is a wonderful educational tool for the children and for family beach-combing enjoyment. And if you're a nature lover like us, you don't have to go to Southern California to enjoy this book. We highly recommend it.
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