pattrice jones is a co-founder of VINE Sanctuary, an LGBTQ-led refuge for farmed animals. A former tenant organizer and anti-racist educator, jones has accumulated more than 40 years of activist experience in peace and justice movements. An internationally recognized ecofeminist theorist, jones has taught college and university courses on the theory and praxis of social change activism as well as on linkages among different forms of injustice. Trained as a clinical psychologist, jones brings heart, mind, rigor, and candor to the challenging questions facing 21st century social movements.
In the Introduction to your book, Bird's-Eye Views, you write
that ‘Every year, the folly of human supremacy becomes more clear.’ What do
you understand to be the ‘folly of human supremacy’?
It’s sheer folly for humans to imagine themselves as separate from and
superior to the larger-than-human world. We are entirely dependent on it. We
don’t even fully understand fundamental factors like gravity and
photosynthesis. Speciesism not only unfairly denigrates animals and other
nonhumans but also tells us lies about ourselves.
We are, the story goes, supremely intelligent beings who rightly rule the world by our abilities. We are clever bumblers whose collective behavior has brought the planet to an era of cascading collapses of ecosystems. Wildfires, floods, droughts, and other derangements menace everyone. Among ourselves, problems like warfare, poverty, inequality, man-made famines, and genocide, persist despite the prolonged best efforts of some of the best-educated and influential people on the planet.
At present, we have reached a crisis point in our collective ability to even agree with each other about what reality might be.
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