Broken Window By Dorothy H Hayes
From Book, CD and Video Review Guide

The intent of this book and video review guide is to help us to live according to Kingdom standards which bring Heaven to earth.

Author: Dorothy H Hayes
Reviewed by: Frank and Mary Hoffman


Broken Window

Mainly Murder Press, LLC
PO Box 290586
Wethersfield, CT 06129-0586
Published in the United States of America

Copyright © 2015 by Dorothy Hayes
Paperback ISBN 978-0-9905103-3-8
Ebook ISBN 978-0-9905103-4-5

Available from Amazon: Broken Window



Wow, another great book! Dorothy H Hayes continues the fast-moving mystery thriller technique of Murder at the P&Z in Broken Window, as we follow Carol Rossi, an investigative reporter in her search for a missing 18-year-old girl, Kelly Singleton, in New York City.

Kelly gets separated from her two friends on a subway car, and is missing when they get off at their destination, which begins the search for her, which in turn gets Rossi involved. We then follow Rossi in her exciting and dangerous search for Kelly.

We won't tell you how the mystery ends, so you will have to read Broken Window for yourself to see the conclusion of what happens to Kelly.

Rossi and her husband, Jerry, a detective, are vegans and live on Peaceable Kingdom, their farm animal sanctuary.  Broken Window is one of the Carol Rossi Mystery Series.

About the Author:

Dorothy H HayesDorothy Hayes, a staff writer for local Connecticut newspapers for five years, received an honorary award for her in-depth series on Vietnam Veterans from the Society of Professional Journalists. Prior to that she was a Language Arts teacher. A staff writer for a national animal protection organization, for six years, she wrote Animal Instinct, 2006. Dorothy lives in Stamford, CT with her husband, Arthur. She also raised four children, and is the mother-in-law to three, grandmother to fourteen, and is GN to Bella. She writes for WomenofMystery.Net, CriminalElement.Com, and is a member of Sisters-in-Crime-Tri-State Chapter, and Mystery Writers of America. Visit her at for more information.

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