Producer / Publisher:
DVD Video available for a $15.00 donation – 10 copies for $55.00
Please send check to:
God's Creatures Ministry
P.O. Box 322 Wayne,
NJ 07474-0322
For more information and brochures (Spanish available)
contact address above or:
[email protected]
GCM is a non-profit organization 501(c)(3)
I am happy to report that a new video (DVD) “Christian Concern For All God’s Creatures” is now available. This video is by far the most comprehensive one I’ve seen, and I believe answers all the questions that may arise concerning the Bible, Christianity and Animals. It is the perfect vehicle for those who want to approach church members with solid Christian teaching that is irrefutable. This video tells the truth concerning the plight of animals in a solid, unmistakable Christian context.
Jesus said, “And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32) For those who honestly want to know the truth and want to motivate others to do the right thing, Frank and I enthusiastically recommend this video. We think that it would be best to view it with others, rather than simply giving or sending it to someone who may not take the time to view it.
Jan Fredericks, M.A., L.P.C., the founder of God’s Creatures Ministry, is Chair of Catholic Concern for Animals in the U.S., a Christian Educator and licensed counselor.
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