“Oh, how I wish the animals that we confine and torture for food were
able to speak out and fight for freedom, as Cluck, the courageous
chick, does in this story. Unfortunately, animals are imprisoned in a human
world and therefore it is up to humans to right this wrong. Beautifully
illustrated by Irene Blasco and compassionately written by Cheryl Moss,
Cluck is a book for young people to learn the truth about chicken, how the
bird goes from the industrial farm to our plates. However, the happy ending
in this story is up to each of us, as the reader is offered the opportunity
to take action and make positive change.”
—Caryn Hartglass, Co-Founder and President, Responsible Eating And Living
“Cluck is an urgent call for compassion. Nonhuman animals are still
widely regarded as inanimate objects—whether that be as food or as pets.
Cheryl Moss and Irene Blasco bring the reader in to tackle this notion
through a personable flock of rescued birds. Francisco, a parrot, introduces
the story’s unlikely main duo: a chick, Cluck, and a human child who runs
their bird sanctuary, Ryndon. Francisco narrates Cluck and Ryndon’s journey
to save chickens being raised for slaughter. Through colorful imagery and
diverse landscapes, Moss and Blasco weave a story of love and liberation
into the pages. Together, Cluck and Ryndon are determined to free chickens
and show their community how empowering it can be to choose compassion over
killing. The reader is left with a powerful tale and an inspiring call to
action. This story is valuable for anyone and everyone who co-exists with
nonhuman animals. Animals, birds especially, are so often cast aside and
deemed as disposable or lesser-than. Moss and Blasco show us that we share
this planet with them, and they deserve our respect, care, and
compassion—whether they have feathers, fins, or scales.”
—Cami Hoffman, Youth Director at The Raven Corps
“Cheryl Moss and Irene Blasco have created another beautiful book that will
open the hearts and minds of young readers. The story of Cluck and his
sanctuary friends ingeniously and effectively weaves in the messages that
all animals are individuals who feel and suffer, and that positive actions
and activism can make change possible. Irene Blasco’s illustrations are
vivid and stunning, conveying the emotions and personalities of the birds.
This book is a must-read for children and adults alike, raising awareness of
the plight of chickens, one of the most exploited animals on our planet.”
—Dr. Joanne Kong, editor of Vegan Voices: Essays by Inspiring
“Wow such a beautiful and relatable story. I loved the main characters, the
birds and boy at the sanctuary, sited next to a chicken slaughterhouse. ‘Cluck
was a reminder of just how good life can be when one is born in love and in
safety.’ The trial and rescue and question at the end leaving it to the
reader what to do to protect all the chickens everywhere. This series is so
brilliant. Hope there are more in the works.”
—Anita Krajnc, Executive Director, Animal Save Movement
“Cluck is a graceful yet powerful story to teach children (and
adults!) what it means to respect other sentient creatures. The beautiful
illustrations by Irene Blasco are nothing but magical and truly capture the
profound lesson of love in Cheryl Moss’s words.”
—Dr. Camila Perussello, author of Food for Thought: Planetary Healing
Begins on Our Plate
Cheryl Moss understands the unconscionable misuse and exploitation of animals and the impact on our environment and pandemics. She believes in creating a children’s book series about alternative ways of thinking and living to foster fundamental change. With her husband, she created the non-profit Let’s Share a Dog, whereby lonely people could be connected with busy people in their own neighborhood through the mutual love of dogs. She has written two books, Jenny the Magical Dog Next Door and Jenny Saves the Day. Cheryl is a staunch animal activist and vegan who resides in Las Vegas, Nevada.
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