How The Animals at the Gentle Barn Taught Me about Life, Death, and
Everything In Between.
In Cow Hug Therapy, Ellie Laks, founder of the Gentle Barn
Foundation, shares the extraordinary journey that started with her first
teacher, Buddha — not the religious figure, but a rescued miniature Hereford
cow. One evening Buddha wrapped her neck around an exhausted and upset Laks
and transferred a singular form of healing and comfort with an incredible
impact. Understanding that this was something to be shared with others, Laks
developed Cow Hug Therapy, a groundbreaking approach to emotional healing
that has proved effective for trauma, illness, disabilities, addiction,
grief, and stress.
Cow Hug Therapy is a colorful and compelling narrative of the
healing mavens of the barnyard through the years and their individual
stories of being rescued from trauma and treated with love and respect.
These animals have transformed lives and ignited breakthroughs, newfound
purpose, and freedom, including for a young mother who lost her baby, a
suicidal teenager, a wounded serviceman, an open-heart surgery patient, and
many more.
Media outlets including ABC’s Good Morning America, NBC’s TODAY show, and
The Atlantic magazine have featured numerous stories of the hopeless
beginning to thrive at the Gentle Barn. A testament to empathy and the
mission to heal animals, people, and the planet, Cow Hug Therapy captures a
remarkable journey of transformation and serves as a beacon of hope for all
seeking healing and connection.
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