A Cow At My Table
From All Creatures Book and Video Review Guide


Flying Eye Productions
Site 46, Comp 30, RR2
Galiano Island, British Columbia
Canada V0N 1P0
[email protected]  


CDN$37.45 (CDN$30 + CDN $5 shipping & handling + CDN$2.45 PST) in BC, Canada
CDN$35.00 (CDN$30 + CDN$5 shipping & handling) in the rest of Canada
US$30 (US$25 + US$5 shipping & handling) in the U.S.A.
UUS$33 (US$25 + US$8 shipping & handling) in other international countries


A Cow at My Table explores Western attitudes towards farm animals and meat, and the intense battle between animal advocates and the meat industry to influence the consumer's mind. Five years in production took Director Jennifer Abbott across Canada, the US, Australia and New Zealand to meet with the leaders of the animal rights movement, animal welfare advocates as well as spokespeople from livestock industries. A Cow at My Table intercuts these diverse perspectives with archival films, images from modern-day agribusiness and footage of farm animals shot from uncharacteristic vantage points. The result, say critics and programmers, is a documentary that is "brilliant," "visually smart," "extremely accomplished" and "extraordinarily compelling and powerful." In the words of Toronto's NOW Magazine film critic Cameron Bailey, "Like all the best documentaries, this film offers more questions than answers."

A Cow at My Table has won or been nominated for 11 awards.

"........a brilliant documentary" ~Toronto Star

"........Abbott has produced an extraordinarily compelling, powerful and visually stunning documentary. While Abbott is a thoroughly engaged documentarian who makes no claims to 'objectivity', she presents a story which is far more complex than one with only two sides. Her documentary is a profound and intelligent look at a situation many would rather not know about and many would prefer was never told." ~Vancouver International Film Festival

"........idiosyncratic and refreshingly unpredictable....may become one of the most persuasive videos of the coming decade." ~Animal People

"........gently pits animal activists against the meat industry in a probing reflection on flesh foods.....Like all the best documentaries, this film offers more questions than answers." ~Cameron Bailey, Now

"........a compelling & highly acclaimed documentary....presenting a powerful and thorough inquiry into the institution of meat." ~The Animals' Agenda

"........Stylistically inventive and able to find a visual beauty within this ugly subject, A Cow at My Table uncovers balance and truth in a very complex subject with numerous sides." ~Blinding Light!! Cinema

"Some of the most extraordinary documentary footage I've ever seen." ~Robert Enright - Reel Time - CBC TV Winnipeg


Jennifer Abbott is a documentary maker, media artist & AVID editor. A Cow at My Table is her first feature documentary. Her past work includes the experimental short Skinned which toured North America & Europe including New York's Museum of Modern Art. She is the editor of the book Making Video 'In': The Contested Ground of Alternative Video on the West Coast. She also teaches at Emily Carr Institute of Art & Design in Vancouver.

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