Farm Sanctuary
P. O Box 150
Watkins Glen, New York 14891
Tel: 607-583-2225
Email: [email protected]
$10.00 plus shipping & handling
Documentary on downed animal cruelties. 18 minutes - -VHS format
Downed animal -- even the words produce an image of a suffering sick animal. Sadly, this nightmarish vision is all too real for thousands of animals at stockyards, slaughterhouses, and production facilities across the U.S. The meat and dairy industries call them 'downers' -- animals so diseased or badly injured that they cannot even stand.
Since incorporating in 1986, Farm Sanctuary has been actively investigating and exposing the downed animal trade. "The Down Side of Livestock Marketing" contains undercover footage obtained by Farm Sanctuary investigators of downed animals being beaten, dragged to slaughter, and abandoned to die slowly from neglect.
Scenes from "The Down Side of Livestock Marketing" have been aired on national and regional television news programs and prompted the introduction of federal and state legislation to ban downed animal cruelties. This 18 minute narrated production includes information on what you can do to help stop downed animal suffering.
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Every year, nearly ten billion farm animals are raised, transported, and slaughtered under grossly inhumane conditions in the United States alone. Your help is urgently needed to ensure that farm animals are recognized as living, sentient beings -- in the courts, in the laws, in the hearts and minds of people.
With member support, Farm Sanctuary is investigating and prosecuting farm animal abusers; passing legislation banning cruel farming practices; exposing the meat, egg, and dairy industries; and operating the largest shelters in the country for victims of "food animals" production.
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