The past three decades or so have seen the publication of a fair number of
collections presenting feminist perspectives on human-animal relations. So
when coming to a new volume that walks this well-traversed terrain, it's
hard not to approach it with the thought that there had really better be
something new here. Happily, Ecofeminism delivers the fresh goods.
the collection as a whole conveys, primarily, is the roots-in-the-dirt
entanglement of the various strands of social life with human and nonhuman
animals. With animal studies now making the transition from applied ethics
to social philosophy, Ecofeminism makes worthy contributions to an emerging
and exciting literature.
Jason Wyckoff, Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy
In bringing together a variety of voices, Ecofeminism provides us with
valuable insights into an important approach to advocating for justice-an
approach that makes fundamental connections between complex issues. As a
woman of color working at the intersections of social justice, I quickly
identified with many of the ideas here and felt like I was not alone.
Readers will learn a lot from this empowering book.
- lauren Ornelas, Founder and Executive Director, Food Empowerment Project,
This volume demonstrates why ecofeminism is the most important politics of
our time. Richly interdisciplinary and provocative in the very best ways
at times playful and humorous too Ecofeminism presents fresh, invigorating
and inspirational scholarship on the intersecting relationships between
humankind and the other than human world. It is crucial reading for anyone
who cares about making a positive difference to the well-being of this
planet and its beautifully diverse inhabitants. Adams and Gruen have also
produced a fitting tribute to the legacy of Marti Kheel.
- Annie Potts, Associate Professor and Co-Director of New Zealand Centre for
Human-Animal Studies, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
This provocative new anthology is to be warmly welcomed for the diversity of
its voices and the breadth of its critical analyses and agenda. Ecofeminism
encompasses theory and lived experience at the multiple and sometimes
contested intersections of gender identity, disability rights, race, and
animal advocacy.
- Martin Rowe, Author of The Polar Bear in the Zoo: A Speculation
With the growing interest in intersectional theories there has been a
recent, renewed interest in ecofeminism. This book rises to meet this demand
in the form of a collection of essays, which answers the concern of
essentialism by embracing a wide range of scholarly voices from the field
... engaging and mind-opening ... a must-read for both feminists and also,
no doubt, for meat-eaters.
- Anna Maguire, U.S. Studies Online
Carol J. Adams is the author of numerous books including her germinal The
Sexual Politics of Meat, as well as Burger, Protest Kitchen, The Pornography
Meat, and others. She is the co-editor of several anthologies on feminist
theory and animals. She has been an activist against domestic violence,
racism, and homelessness, and for reproductive justice and fair housing
practices. A new generation of feminists, artists, and activists respond to
her work in Defiant Daughters: 21 Women of Art, Activism, Animals, and The
Sexual Politics of Meat and The Art of the Animal: 14 Women Artists Explore
The Sexual Politics of Meat.
Lori Gruen is William Griffin Professor of Philosophy at Wesleyan
University, USA. She is also Professor of Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality
Studies and founder and coordinator of Wesleyan Animal Studies. She is the
author or editor of over a dozen books, including Ethics and Animals: An
Introduction (2011), Entangled Empathy: An Alternative Ethic for Our
Relationships with Animals (2015), Critical Terms for Animal Studies (2018),
and Animaladies: Gender, Animals and Madness (Bloomsbury, 2018). In addition
to her ecofeminist and animal ethics scholarship and activism, she has been
teaching incarcerated students for over a decade.
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