Book Recommendations, Reviews and Author Interviews from

Food for Freedom: Reclaiming Our Health and Rescuing Our World By Will Tuttle, Ph.D.



Food for Freedom: Reclaiming Our Health and Rescuing Our World
Available at Amazon
ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0D21DM142


“Powerful read! Learn to break the chains that hold us back from living our healthiest, kindest, and most fulfilling lives.”
~ Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, FACC, Clinical Professor of Cardiology

“Food for Freedom is a phenomenal masterpiece. It is the book I have been dreaming of, illuminating the most pressing issues of our day—health, spirituality, nutrition, science, and freedom. It shows how they are all interrelated, and provides practical guidance based on age-old wisdoms and sound philosophical fundamentals.”
~ Clare Mann, psychologist and author of Vystopia: the anguish of being vegan in a non-vegan world

“A must-read! Food for Freedom is one of the most captivating, awakening, and informative books on true health and freedom.
~ Naked Food Magazine

“In his excellent follow-up to The World Peace Diet, Dr. Will Tuttle eloquently explains in Food for Freedom that we reap what we sow. He explores and demonstrates how human freedom is inextricably interconnected to our granting freedom to all sentient beings.”
~ Dawn Lester & David Parker, authors of What Really Makes You Ill?

“Dr. Will Tuttle and his wife Madeleine have created over many years a unique litany of information and thoughtful contributions for humankind that is, in my experience, unmatched. Their musical performances and their love for us fellow human beings are heartfelt, as many who have heard their presentations and performances will say. Recording their thoughts and their honest sense of food and its relationship to human health and our welfare into this book is a treasure, as any reader will find.”
~ Dr. T. Colin Campbell, best-selling author and Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Biochemistry at Cornell University

“Food for Freedom is an outstanding book of the vegan way of life as an expression of all aspects of our true human nature at its highest level. Dr. Will Tuttle creates a scientific and wisdom-filled explanation of the vegan way that has been rarely expressed in one place. This book is a holistic work of art, science, and basic spiritual wisdom that will help readers develop a fully illuminated world view on the vegan way of life.”
~ Dr. Gabriel Cousens, MD, world recognized Essene teacher and author

“Dr. Tuttle’s devotion to human and planetary health is unquestionable, and in this new offering Food for Freedom, he further expounds and expands on the multitude of purposeful reasons that we must all embrace profound change.”
~ Dr. Brian Clement, best-selling author, and director, Hippocrates Wellness

“Dr. Tuttle has done it again. His World Peace Diet masterpiece, acclaimed around the world and translated into many languages, shocked readers into a new awareness of the sacredness of all life and our urgent need to end human violence toward animals, the Earth and each other. Food For Freedom not only elegantly expands on the WPD teachings, but also boldly addresses the myriad crises that seem to have engulfed the world in these last few years. With hundreds of references and resources, Food for Freedom elucidates where we are, how we got here, how we can face the truth of what is really happening and how we can finally bring freedom, peace and joy to our own hearts, to each other and to all beings. May freedom and wisdom be with you as you read this guide to our true destiny.”
~Judy McCoy Carman, author, Peace to All Beings and Homo Ahimsa: Who We Really Are and How We’re Going to Save the World

“Food for Freedom is a brilliant, effortless read that is at the same time specific and all-encompassing. Dr. Tuttle connects the dots between animal herding, enslavement, and slaughter, and our own bondage and servitude at the hands of the wealthy few. His detailed descriptions of technical, political, and industrial tactics used to brainwash and control us are unparalleled. He reminds us of the spiritual awareness born within each of us that can be tapped into and used to inspire us to find our own life's calling and make this world a better place for all life on this wondrous planet."
~ Britt Lind, founder, Kindness and Science in Action

“I'm very grateful for Dr. Will Tuttle’s courage to write Food for Freedom: How We Can Reclaim Our Health and Rescue Our World. This revolutionary book offers brilliant ideas that are vital to be put into action now. Our health freedom rights and the requirement for world-wide transition to a vegan life are masterful concepts fundamental to sustaining our existence on planet Earth. If you wish to feel healthier and happier with your decision to respect all life forms, do jump on the opportunity to be transformed by this book.”
~ Karen Ranzi, M.A., CCC-SLP, Award-Winning Author of Creating Healthy Children and Heal and Prevent Autism

"Food for Freedom is Dr. Will Tuttle’s next spiritually uplifting and life-changing gem after The World Peace Diet. A must read for everybody who cares about freedom, spiritual evolution and a future worth living!"
~ Stefan Wolf, creator of the documentary film A New We.

“Food for Freedom is an indispensable resource for anyone seeking true health and wellbeing in all its forms. A liberating and empowering masterpiece that takes vegans and non-vegans alike through a journey of self-awakening and ultimate sovereignty.”
~ Margarita Restrepo, Founder and Editor-in-Chief, Naked Food Magazine

“In Food for Freedom, Dr. Will Tuttle masterfully educates us on the multifaceted ways in which we as a society have become indoctrinated into accepting both mistreatment of animals and normalization of pharmaceutical dominance in our lives in the names of nutrition and health, while actually robbing us of both. He does this in such an empowering and insightful way that ignites our innate wisdom and compassion, providing us with practical solutions for overcoming food and drug addictions and transforming our lives for the betterment of ourselves and all of God's precious creatures. A very worthwhile read!”
~ Dr. Armaiti May, founder, Veterinary Association for the Protection of Animals

“Food for Freedom is a must-read for anyone who wants to help advance abundance and joy for all. This book highlights the Golden Rule and the boomerang effect, thus leading to freedom and an end to the cycle of suffering.
~ Marlene Narrow, Founder of Vegan Nation Radio

“Enlightening, thought-provoking, and superb work of literature: Food for Freedom confronts the reader with the undeniable causes for our modern slavery. Scholarly and poetic, this book will engage every level of your being. If you care about freedom, it is the most compelling contemporary exploration into the topic. Not only because its contents masterfully reveal the ancient origins of war and violence, but because the writer himself has fully embodied his teaching and walks this Earth as a true ambassador for peace. This groundbreaking work of defining the corresponding five dimensions of health and freedom provides an actual roadmap for the new civilization.”
~ Henna Maria, peace activist, poet, medicine woman

“Reading Food for Freedom, I had the same experience I had reading Will Tuttle’s earlier amazing book, The World Peace Diet, of being stunned and happily blown away by the clarification and expansion of what I have learned over the decades. Food for Freedom goes beyond The World Peace Diet in that it reminds me that everything I do, think, feel, use, eat, wear, and buy has direct impacts that go far beyond my personal sphere.”
Veda Stram, author, What to Eat When You Don’t Eat Animals

“Dr. Will Tuttle is one of the most well informed & original thinkers that I have ever met! He embodies an ideal blend of academic brilliance, compassion & spiritual activism. His new book, Food for Freedom, is certain to inform, enlighten & liberate countless Souls. Thank you, Will, for your consistent, benevolent & dedicated service for the wellbeing of all.”
~ Meenakshi Angel Honig, acclaimed yoga instructor & author of The Soulution

“Food for Freedom is a work revealing the complete interconnection of all levels of existence. Dr. Tuttle's work explores how what we do, think, feel and put in our body are can help us find the answer to our existence and the solution to the problem of freedom. This book is a must for those who are aligned with the unfolding journey of light.”
~ Michele Lastella, journalist and film director, www.Sustainable.Media

“Dr. Will Tuttle’s enlightening book brings a crucially important message for our time. As humanity stands on the precipice of bond-age to an Orwellian technocratic superstate, Food for Freedom uncovers the layers of misperception that have clouded our minds. It deprograms us from flawed beliefs that have degraded our world and allowed our freedom to become imperiled. This timely book synthesizes a new framework of common ground between two evolutionary directions that have not always been in alignment: the search for personal sovereignty and human freedom, and the necessity to liberate all sentient beings. Food for Freedom shows that these two are in fact interwoven.”
~ Dr. Nicky Hind, composer, pianist


Dr. Will Tuttle, visionary author of the best-seller The World Peace Diet, published in 18 languages. A recipient of the Courage of Conscience Award and the Empty Cages Prize, he’s also the author of Your Inner Islands, on developing intuition. He is author and editor of other books as well, including Circles of Compassion, on the interconnection of social justice issues, and Buddhism and Veganism, on the connection between animal liberation and spiritual awakening.

Dr. Tuttle’s Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley, focused on educating intuition and altruism in adults, and his doctoral dissertation was nominated for the Best Dissertation Award. He has taught college courses in philosophy, humanities, mythology, religion, and creativity. A former Zen Buddhist monk and a Dharma Master in the Korean Zen tradition, Dr. Tuttle is a noted composer and pianist. He has created ten CD albums of uplifting original piano music as well as several spoken word meditation CDs.

A vegan since 1980, he is a frequent radio, television, and online presenter, and has created several wellness and advocacy training programs. Featured in Cowspiracy and other documentary films, he is the co-founder of the Worldwide Prayer Circle for Animals. With his spouse Madeleine, Dr. Tuttle has delivered 4,000+ live audience presentations promoting compassion, intuition, and vegan living, in over 50 countries worldwide and in all 50 U.S. states. 

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