Food Allergies: Health and Healing
From All Creatures Book and Video Review Guide

Authors: Jo Stepaniak, MSEd
Vesanto Melina, MS, RD
Dina Aronson, MS, RD

Reviewed by Frank and Mary Hoffman



Books Alive
P. O. Box 99
Summertown, Tennessee
© 2010 Jo Stepaniak, Vesanto Melina, and Dina Aronson
$11.95 US/CAD
ISBN: 978-1-55312-046-9


Food Allergies is a very interesting and informative book, which has many colorful photos: the first part of the book discusses food allergies, and the second part is filled with many recipe suggestions.

The food allergy section discusses how to recognize the invading food allergen molecules, the most common sources, and the less common sources, determining if they are dangerous, and how to defend against them and remove them from your body.

We usually hear about how doctors test for allergies with skin patches, and Food Allergies discusses how these testing methods can actually increase the body's sensitivity, which is something we had never heard about before. The book then goes on to tell how to self diagnose oneself by setting up a food diary checklist.

We highly recommend Food Allergies to anyone who has any aches, pains, sniffles, digestive or respiratory problems to determine if the source could be a food allergy. We also recommend it to others as a good reference book.

About the Authors:

Jo Stepaniak is author of over a dozen books (including The Ultimate Uncheese Cookbook and Raising Vegetarian Children) and hundreds of articles on vegetarian cuisine and compassionate living.

Vesanto Melina is a registered dietitian, has taught nutrition at Bastyr University in Seattle Washington, and is co-author of the American Dietetic Association on Vegetarian Diets (2003) and Manual of Clinical Dietetics, 6th ed., 2000.

Dina Aronson has written for the Journal of the American Dietetic Association and Today's Dietitian, and is co-author of Minerals from Plant Foods: Strategies for Maximizing Nutrition.

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