Vegetarian Advocates Press
P.O. Box 201791
Cleveland, OH 44120
© 2008 Vegetarian Advocates Press
ISBN 9-7809716-67648
$18.00 US Paperback
Guided by the Faith of Christ: Seeking to Stop Violence and Scapegoating is by far the best book we have read in defining the reasons for violence in our society and why there is continual scapegoating of humans and other animals who cannot adequately defend themselves. It is also a guidepost for teaching what we need to do to eliminate these problems, particularly in Christianity.
In 2004, Steve Kaufman began writing a series of weekly essays on the subject of violence and Christianity, which, after nearly three years, culminated in the writing of Guided by the Faith of Christ: Seeking to Stop Violence and Scapegoating.
This book is must read for every pastor and church leader, and for every person who truly cares about doing the will of God. For far too many years, the Church has failed to adequately address these issues of violence and scapegoating, and has all too often actually promoted it. It is time we all begin to live as the peacemaking children of God, that Jesus has called us to be (Matthew 5:9).
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