Boaz and Ruth Publishing Co.
P. O. Box 8458
Fort Worth, Texas 76112 USA
Phone 817-451-0767
ISBN 0-9764556-0-9 ©2005 - Dee Ann Drechsel Messerli
$12.99 US
Heavenly Creatures is an easy to read and a wonderfully written book about God's creation and His heavenly intent for humans, animals, and the physical world in which we all live. Throughout this Biblically accurate book, there is the assurance that both humans and animals are in heaven.
We were very happy to see that Dee Ann wrote Heavenly Creatures from a fundamentalist Christian perspective, which is a very much needed reference source in our world today. She walks the readers through the creation events, explaining why dominion means stewardship and not domination, showing that God's grace covers the animals as well as humans, and that every living creature has a soul and spirit and a place in heaven. She explains why animals are exempt from the need for salvation, unlike humans who fell from grace, and she relates many Biblical stories about the animals, including those whom the Lord chose to be present at His birth.
Heavenly Creatures is a very comforting book for anyone who has lost a companion animal and for those who have sick and dying animals. It gives the reader the assurance that their beloved animal companions, and all the other animals who die, have a place with God in heaven. We highly recommend Heavenly Creatures to all people who love animals and are concerned about their welfare.
Dee Ann Drechsel Messerli is a graduate of Texas Christian University. Social Work and Nursing Home Administration have been the focus of her career. She is a Diplomate of the American Psychotherapy Association and a Licensed Social Worker in the state of Texas. It was her passion for God and animals that led her through seven years of study and research concerning God's relationship to animals. Heavenly Creatures is Dee Ann's expression of her love for God and His animals. Since many other books have already been written about God's love for His people, her emphasis is on God's love for animals and all of creation.
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