Christian Vegetarian Association
PO Box 201791
Cleveland, Ohio 44120
Phone/fax 216-283-6702
e-mail [email protected]
Available in DVD or VHS - Length: 26 minutes $12.00 U.S. (incl. postage and handling to US and Canada) $10.00 U.S. for additional copies in same shipment. Inquiries welcome for special pricing on large orders.
U.K.: Foresta, Pine Road, Liphook GU30 7PL Phone: 01428 723747
For many years we've been waiting for a vehicle that would open dialogue concerning the honoring of the whole of God's creation: our fellow human beings, the animals, and the environment. This vehicle has finally arrived in the form of a 26 minute video, Honoring God's Creation, produced by the Christian Vegetarian Association.
Almost every day we have compassionate Christians writing to us about the struggles they are having in their church communities concerning their compassion for animals and their desire to live a vegetarian/vegan life and cause as little pain, suffering. and destruction as humanly possible. These Christians often feel they are being ridiculed for their compassion. Additionally, we hear from many other people who believe that Christians are hard of heart when it comes to issues of world peace, compassion for animals, and protecting our environment. Honoring God's Creation can bridge this gap and open a dialog to help bring the peace and harmony that Jesus Christ advocated for everyone.
Honoring God's Creation brings together the thoughtful views of several Christian community leaders from across the United States and from many different denominations. These authors, clergy, lawyers, medical doctors, and other members of the Christian community discuss issues of diet, health, world peace, and compassion for all our fellow human beings, the animals, and the environment in ways that are sure to enlighten and inspire others to live a more compassionate life. And most importantly, Honoring God's Creation lets those who feel that they are alone know that there are many other compassionate Christians who feel as they do.
Honoring God's Creation is a must have video for every believing and caring Christian.
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