Lantern Books, New York A Division of Booklight, Inc.
128 Second Place
Brooklyn, NY 11231
Paperback 206 Pages
$20 U.S.
Copyright © Carol J. Adams and Patti Breitman, 2008
ISBN 9781590561379
This handy book is the ultimate answer for those who want great-tasting, healthful food that’s easy and quick to prepare. If I had to describe How to Eat Like a Vegetarian with one word, it would be “practical.” This description from the title page sums it up: “More than 250 Shortcuts, Strategies, and Simple Solutions.” This fun-to-read book makes eating healthfully so simple!
I highly recommend it!
“Don’t have time to cook? Don’t like to follow recipes? Cutting back on meat but don’t know what to serve? Want an easy way to eat healthfully? This is the book for you. The lists, charts, and hints in this book will reward you with meals, snacks, and surprises that are as easy to make as they are delicious.”
“Carol J. Adams has been a vegetarian since 1974, and has raised two vegetarian children, who continue as happy vegetarians in their adulthood. She is the author of the classic The Sexual Politics of Meat: A Feminist-Vegetarian Critical Theory (Continuum), Living among Meat-Eaters (Lantern), The Inner Art of Vegetarianism (Lantern), Prayers for Animals Continuum), and several other books. She has also edited several anthologies on the connection between feminism and animal issues. She always keeps the ingredients for scones in her house because, as she says, ‘You never know when someone will need comfort food – and sometimes it’s me!’ ”
“Patti Breitman has been a vegetarian since 1985. She is the director of The Marin Vegetarian Education Group in Marin County, CA, ( and a former columnist for VegNews magazine. Patti is the co-author, with Connie Hatch, of How to Say No Without Feeling Guilty (Broadway Books). She shares her skill by teaching vegetarian cooking classes, and shares her lack of skill by singing in a community chorus and tap dancing, which she enjoys tremendously.”
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