Contributors to Kinship with the Animals represent a myriad of countries and traditions, from Jane Goodall illustrating the emergence of her lifelong devotion to animals to Linda Tellinton-Jones describing her experiences communicating with animals through touch, the thirty-three stories in Kinship with the Animals deconstruct traditional notions of animals by offering a new and insightful vision that portrays animals as conscious beings capable of deep feelings and sophisticated thoughts. The editors have deliberately sought stories that present diverse views of animal awareness and communication.
Michael Tobias, Ph.D., is an internationally respected humanist, ecologist, and author whose works have appeared in over eighty countries. He has written more than twenty-five books, including A Vision of Nature: Traces of the Original World, A Day in the Life of India, and A Parliament of Souls. He lives with his wife in Los Angeles, where they maintain a small urban animal sanctuary.
Kate Solisti-Mattelon, an internationally known speaker and teacher, has been a professional telepathic communicator with animals for the past six years. She has written articles for national magazines and has been featured in other books and anthologies.
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