Vegan Poet, M. Katz
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American Vegan Society
PO Box 369
Malaga, NJ 08328
Phone: 856-694-2887 Fax: 856-694-2288
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Paperback, 104 pages
Retail price per copy: $18.00, plus $2.00 shipping and handling
3-6 copies – receive a 25% discount
7-9 copies – receive a 30% discount
10 or more – receive a 40% discount
Shipping and handling on 3 and more copies, $1 per book
Shipped by media mail; priority and expedited mail additional
ISBN 0-929274-26-1
© 2005 Marcia ‘Vegan Poet’ Katz
First Edition printed 2008
All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction, in whole or in
part, except for brief quotations in reviews.
Metamorphosis – Poems to Inspire Transformation is a wonderful book of thought-provoking poems that truly inspire the positive change that is, after all, the purpose of our lives here on earth. Each poem is illustrated with an applicable color photo and comment by Vegan Poet (chosen pen name of M. Katz) who has “been spreading the word about the many benefits of a vegan lifestyle for three decades” and co-authored Incredibly Delicious; Recipes for a New Paradigm by Gentle World.
A professional vegan chef, she also spreads the vegan message by publishing informative articles such as “Vegan-Organic Gardening” and “Dogs Can Be Vegan, too!” and is also a full-time volunteer for a non-profit educational organization.
One of the many thoughts in this precious book that spoke to my heart is found in the last two lines of Vegan Poet’s poem titled “My Mission”:
“I am a self-appointed missionary seeking to convert every part of me.”
I could go on and on praising this absolutely fabulous book; but don’t simply take my word for it, order one for yourself. I’m sure you’ll agree with me and want to buy copies for friends and family, too.
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