Dave Warwak
128 W. Geneva Street
Williams Bay, WI 53191
Dave Warwak, 2008
Registration: TXu001574332
ISBN-10: 1435718178
ISBN-13: 978-1435718173
488 pages
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Peep Show for Children Only is a fascinating true chronological account of the events surrounding the unwarranted dismissal of a compassionate tenured art teacher, Dave Warwak, from the Fox River Grove Middle School because he taught the truth to the children in his classes about the harmful effects of eating animal flesh (meat) and bodily secretions (dairy).
While we were reading the documentation and accounts contained in this book we kept thinking about three Bible verses:
John 8:32 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." NIV
Matthew 18:6 6 but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it is better for him that a heavy millstone be hung around his neck, and that he be drowned in the depth of the sea. NASB
Proverbs 12:10 10 A righteous man has regard for the life of his beast, But the compassion of the wicked is cruel. NASB
To us, Peep Show for Children Only represents the struggle between good and evil: the good being represented in the person of Dave Warwak who tried to teach the truth about the horrors of animal agriculture and the harm and suffering these industries are causing humans, other animals, and the environment; and evil being represented by the parents and school board members who bought into the lies of corporate interests to the detriment of their children. Dave Warwak was setting the children free; he didn't want them to stumble over the lies laid out before them; and he wanted them to have compassion and recognize the wickedness of farming animals.
Dave Warwak always told his students to look up the truth for themselves and verify the facts, so that they could confirm the truthfulness of what they were being taught. But most of the parents and the the entire school board wanted to preserve the lies, so they used their power to try to silence this art teacher, but all they did was shine light on their wickedness and exposed it to the whole world.
Read the fascinating account of this case in Peep Show for Children Only.
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