Book Recommendations, Reviews and Author Interviews from

Primatology, Ethics and Trauma By Robert Ingersoll, Antonina Anna Scarnà

Publisher: Routledge

Primatology, Ethics and Trauma
Primatology, Ethics and Trauma
Available from Routledge
ISBN : 9781032413488

Book Description

Primatology, Ethics and Trauma offers a critical re-examination of the research conducted into the linguistic capabilities of the Oklahoma chimps and uncovers the historical reality of this research project without fabrication. It has been 50 years since the first language experiments on chimpanzees. Robert Ingersoll was one of the student researchers from 1975 to 1983. He is well known for being one of the main carers and best friend of the chimpanzee, Nim Chimpsky, but there were other chimpanzees in the University of Oklahoma's Institute for Primate Studies, including Washoe, Moja, Kelly, Sherry, Booee, and Onan, who were taught sign language in the quest to discover whether language is learned or innate in humans.

Ingersoll and Scarna shine light on how by definition this research failed to address the emotional needs of the animals. Research into trauma has made scientific advances since those studies. It is time to consider those studies from a different perspective, taking a hard look at the neglect and cruelty that was inflicted on those animals in the quest of psychological study. This book re-examines those cases in this book, addressing directly the suffering and traumatic experiences endured by the captive chimpanzees, in particular the female chimpanzee, Washoe, and her resultant inability to mother, leading to her killing her infant, Sequoyah.

The book discusses the unethical nature of the studies in the context of recent research on trauma and offers a specific and direct psychological message, proposing to finally close the door on the language side of these chimpanzee studies. This book is novel, groundbreaking, and will be of interest to academic, research, experimental, and clinical psychologists, linguists, anthropologists, historians of science and primatologists, in particular those involved or interested in primate sanctuary and conservation.

About the Authors:

Robert Ingersoll (BSc, MS) has been a tireless champion of captive chimpanzees since the 1970s. He entered the world of primates as an undergraduate student at the University of Oklahoma's Institute for Primate Studies, where the research focus was on cognition, language, and inter-species communication between chimpanzees and humans, using American Sign Language. He quickly came to see the chimpanzees as friends rather than as research subjects. After several productive years, funding for the program was cut by the University, and the chimpanzee colony was sold to a medical research laboratory for invasive research. This led Robert to a crusade to free his chimpanzee friends that has lasted decades.

Anna Scarnà (BSc. Hons, DPhil, PGCTHE, PGCert, CPsychol) is a psychologist and neuroscientist with expertise in language, personality and psychological disorders. Her DPhil was on the composition of the monolingual and bilingual lexicon, and she explored the factors that affect object naming and reading. She has conducted award-winning research into non-drug treatments for dopamine in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia at Oxford University UK, where she runs courses in Brain and Behaviour/Neuroscience, Personality, and Psychological Disorders covering topics including personality traits, addiction, and social behaviours. She teaches on various international tutorial courses, has been running the popular Oxford University online Introduction to Psychology course.

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