Book Recommendations, Reviews and Author Interviews from

Prisoned Chickens Poisoned Eggs: An Inside Look At The Modern Poultry Industry

Publisher: Book Publishing Company


Prisoned Chickens Poisoned Eggs: An Inside Look At The Modern Poultry Industry
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Karen Davis wrote Prisoned Chickens, Poisoned Eggs in the mid-1990s to focus attention on the billions of chickens buried alive on factory farms. The book was a catalyst for animal rights activists seeking to develop effective strategies to expose and relieve the plight of chickens. United Poultry Concerns’ campaign in the 1990s to reveal the U.S. egg industry’s cruel practice of starving hens to force them to molt their feathers and cut the cost of egg production was decisive in shifting advocacy attention to chickens and the hidden causes of Salmonella and Campylobacter food poisoning.

The Newly Revised Prisoned Chickens, Poisoned Eggs documents what has happened since the book first appeared – the waging of high-profile campaigns to get rid of battery cages for laying hens, undercover investigations exposing the appalling cruelty to chickens and turkeys by poultry industry workers, globalization of chicken production and its effect on the environment and spread of avian influenza, and how farm animal sanctuaries have become key players in debunking industry myths with truthful accounts of the sensitive and intelligent birds being brutalized in the name of “food.”

“When you pick up a chicken on the road who has fallen off a truck on the way to slaughter, the huge white bird with the little peeping voice and baby blue eyes feels like liquid cement,” says Karen Davis in Prisoned Chickens, Poisoned Eggs. The birds are sick with respiratory infections and they are often rotting with diseases. This latest edition effectively explains why these birds are so ill, why eating them makes people sick, and what can be done to cure the pathology of the modern poultry industry.


Animal Rights Online:

Jeremy Rifkin's book Beyond Beef, confronted the cattle industry with the plight of cattle.  Prisoned Chickens, Poisoned Eggs ignites a new understanding of poultry industry abuses. Citing research from poultry industry publications and studies, Davis builds a chilling account of a morally handicapped industry driven over the edge.  

The techniques and attitudes that produce suffering in chickens and disease in humans are carefully examined. Intimate, first hand accounts provided by Davis and others reveal the complex emotional lives of chickens. Quotes from poultry workers and executives lay bare a world of pain and deception where compassion is punished and greed exalted. 

A shocking expose of the poultry and egg industry from animal rights activist Karen Davis.


“[Dr. Karen] Davis has done more than perhaps anyone to reveal the complex and socially rich lives of birds. Her writing―intellectually rigorous, passionate, erudite, and witty―brings fully to the fore the great injustices we have perpetrated on these intelligent and loving creatures."
~ Marc Bekoff, PhD, Psychology Today, June, 2019: Marc Bekoff Interviews Karen Davis For The Birds: From Exploitation to Liberation

“Karen Davis is an extraordinary woman. The President of United Poultry Concerns, she is one of the world's leading authorities on welfare of chickens, turkeys etc. I recommend her book ‘The Holocaust and the Henmaid's Tale.’ . . . [H]er website is an exemplary resource for anyone interested in discovering information on these wonderful creatures.”
~ Philanthropist Philip Wollen, Facebook, September 2015

“Thanks to Karen Davis, chickens and turkeys are now front-and-center on the animal rights agenda.”
~ Norm Phelps, The Longest Struggle, 2007

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