"What is a rescue dog? And who does the rescuing? Pete Paxton and Gene
Stone's book explains it all through moving stories of dogs and their
people, the work done by animal organizations both large and small, and how
each of us can play a part. Rescue Dogs is the perfect primer for anyone
interested in the work of rehoming pets and the joy brought by dogs who help
us define what it means to have a home."
—Ken Foster, bestselling author of The Dogs Who Found Me
“Thanks to undercover investigators like Pete, many more people now
understand that despite the deceptive advertising in stores and on websites,
puppies sold in pet stores and online usually come from puppy mills, where
dogs are raised in miserable conditions solely to churn out puppies for an
unsuspecting public. Pete’s tips on how to adopt a rescue dog and his advice
for budding advocates will help inspire dog lovers to become part of the
change until no more puppies are sold in pet stores and no more homeless
dogs go without a family."
—Kathleen Summers, director of outreach and research for the Humane Society
of the United States’ puppy mill campaign
“I don’t know the last time I’ve read a book as important as this one—you
will leave this wonderfully well-written, totally engaging book with a
powerful understanding about the way dogs are treated in this country—and
what you can do it about it. Highly recommended!”
—Kathy Freston, New York Times–bestselling author and wellness activist
“What an extraordinary and important book this is—it’s gripping and
heartwarming, informative and entertaining. And, I suspect it’s impossible
to read without wanting to go out and rescue a dog—or two!”
—Gene Baur, president and cofounder of Farm Sanctuary
“Before you get a dog, buy this fascinating, beautifully written book that’s
both an adventure story and a how-to. Once you’ve read it, you will probably
want to go right out and rescue a dog—and two lives will be forever
changed.” —David Coman-Hidy, president, The Humane League
“Pete Paxton is an American hero: He has done more good work for dogs than
anyone could possibly imagine. Inside this book are the extraordinary tales
of his gripping adventures in the underbelly of the canine world, and then
sound advice on what to do once you decide that you need to bring a rescue
dog home. If you love dogs, you will absolutely love this book.”
—Rip Esselstyn, founder of Engine 2 and host of the Plant-Strong podcast
“Rescue Dogs is a must-read for any dog lover. Stories of truth, heartbreak,
and triumph are detailed in a way that reflects the puppy mill and breeding
industry, educating people who may not know the realities of these places
otherwise. Rescue Dogs gives the average dog lover true insight into the
realities that some dogs face and animal welfare workers learn.
—Katera Berent, Communications and Events Manager, Austin Pets Alive
“Rescue Dogs gives voice to the thousands of animals waiting in shelters
across the country for adoption, and the thousands more who suffer and die
to supply pet stores. Yet for all he has witnessed, Pete Paxton never loses
empathy for the people who have failed these animals. This may be the
biggest contributor to his success as an investigator and an advocate.”
—Scott Howe, Executive Director and CEO, Animal Rescue Fund of the Hamptons
"This is the book that all readers should buy, study, and give away so that
everyone in the world finally understands why they should adopt, not
purchase, a dog."
—Ingrid Newkirk, co-founder and president of PETA
Pete Paxton (a pseudonym to protect his identity) is nationally recognized
as the leading undercover investigator and rescuer of dogs in peril. His
work has been featured by HBO, National Geographic, NPR, Time, and more. He
works with major advocacy organizations such as the Companion Animal
Protection Society, Mercy for Animals, HSUS and many others.
Gene Stone has written, co-written, or ghost-written forty-five books
(fifteen of which were national bestsellers), specializing, over the last
decade, on plant-based diets and their effect on health, animal protection,
and the environment. These include such books as Forks Over Knives,
Eat for the Planet, The Engine 2 Diet (with Rip
Esselstyn), How Not to Die (with Dr. Michael Greger), and
Living the Farm Sanctuary Life (with Gene Baur).
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