Rick McIntyre's new book, The Rise of Wolf 8: Witnessing the Triumph of
Yellowstone's Underdog, is an incredibly detailed account of wolf
behavior and the social dynamics within and between Yellowstone wolf packs.
The amount of time Rick spent watching these amazing beings is staggering.
From June 2000 to August 2015 he went out into the field for 6,175
consecutive days, and by the end of the day of February 27, 2019, he had
100,000 wolf sightings. He also has compiled more than 12,000 pages of
detailed notes.
Rick's meticulous long-term observations and stories of identified
individuals he knew well and followed for many years are unprecedented. For
many years I've thought of Rick as the "go-to-guy" for all things wolf, and
The Rise of Wolf 8 amply confirms my belief. It's a must read, to which I'll
return many times, for anyone interested in wolves and these magnificent
beings are lucky to have Rick as their spokesman.
In a previous post,
"The Wolves of Yellowstone Love to Play—Just Like Dogs," I wrote about
Rick's detailed observations of the games that wolves play. Now, it's my
pleasure to offer an interview with him about many different aspects of wolf
behavior. Our interview went as follows.
Why did you write The Rise of Wolf 8 and how did it emerge from your
long-term interests and first-hand experience with the wolves of
After working for the National Park Service for many years as a naturalist,
I transferred to Yellowstone National Park in 1994 and was designated the
park’s Wolf Interpreter. All my talks for the public were on the proposed
wolf reintroduction and wolf behavior. I switched over to doing wolf
research after the wolves were released and worked for Doug Smith, a
brilliant field biologist and project leader for the Yellowstone Gray Wolf
Restoration Project. The wolf packs were highly visible from the road
corridor, which no one had expected, and over the next two and a half
decades I saw wolves nearly every day and witnessed behavior that had never
been documented before. I feel grateful to the wolves for giving me the gift
of seeing so much of their private lives and feel it is my obligation to
share what I have learned from them through a series of books.
Who is the intended audience?
I mainly want to reach regular people, but researchers and students of
animal behavior will also get a lot out of my experiences and observations.
What are some of the main messages that come from Wolf 8’s story and
that of other wolves?
Wolf 8 was the smallest of all the male wolves released into Yellowstone and
probably was the least likely to become a successful alpha male. When he was
a yearling, equivalent to a teenager in human years, he came across a mother
wolf and her eight pups. The father of the pups had been illegally shot, and
the single mother needed a lot of help. She accepted 8 into her family and
he suddenly became an alpha male with a lot of responsibilities, such as
helping to raise, train and protect a large litter of pups. He rose to the
occasion, never backing down when his family was threatened by rival packs
despite his youth and inexperience.
One of the pups he raised was wolf 21 and he and 8 had an especially close
relationship. When 21 was older he helped his mother and 8 care for several
litters of pups, and I saw how he demonstrated empathy for a sickly pup that
was being shunned by the other pups. 21 later joined a neighboring pack as
their alpha male after their previous alpha male had died, and like 8 had
done for 21 and his siblings, he raised pups born to another male.
From watching 8, and his adopted son, 21, I learned how multiple adult
wolves in a family cooperate to raise young and protect them from threats
such as grizzlies and rival wolf packs. I saw that alpha females are the
true leaders of the pack, not the big alpha males. Wolves have a matriarchal
society and males seem to totally accept that. Maybe that is a sign of the
intelligence level of wolves. I also witnessed how male wolves accept
rejection from females in the breeding season, give preference to pregnant
females at kills they made, and work tirelessly to feed and protect pups.
21 loved to play with his pups and would let little pups beat him in
wrestling matches. At times he seemed to have a sense of humor. While
running around with pups he would do what looked like a pratfall. I got the
sense that he liked to pretend he was a low-ranking wolf when with younger
pack members, a type of role reversal. 21’s concept of being an alpha male
was the exact opposite of what we think of in humans as an aggressive,
dominating alpha male personality.
I studied the many types of games pups played among themselves and saw how
those games, such as chasing and wrestling, prepared them for their adult
responsibilities of hunting and protecting their families from other wolves.
I watched wolf 8 exhibit extraordinary courage when he charged at a much
bigger and stronger male wolf who was intending to attack 8’s family. 8
pinned the rival wolf and could have killed him but let him go. 21 was still
with 8 at that time and witnessed the incident. When he grew up and became
an alpha male 21 was invincible in battle but followed the role modeling of
8 and never killed a defeated opponent.
What are some surprises about the behavior of these amazing
There is so much to say on that subject, but in addition to what I have
already said on other aspects of wolf behavior, let me speak about how they
use teamwork to feed their families. In Yellowstone elk and bison are the
main prey animals hunted by wolves. A big bull elk can weigh 700 pounds
while a bison bull could be 2000 pounds. Both species are normally faster
than wolves and are very skilled at fighting back against predators. The
average weight of an adult wolf is about 100 pounds, so pack members have to
work together to chase, attack and finish off such large powerful opponents.
Young females tend to be the fastest wolves and their job is to catch up
with an elk, bite into a hind leg and act as a drag. That could enable a big
male like 21 to catch up and make a killing bite by getting in front of the
elk, then leaping up and biting its throat. But all of that is extremely
dangerous for a prey animal can kill or cripple a wolf by kicking it,
trampling it, or goring it with its horns or antlers. I once saw a wolf get
kicked so hard by a bison that it made a 360 arc in the air, then crash
landed. It jumped right up and resumed the chase. For wolves, hunting is not
a sport, it is face to face combat.
I like how you weave in ‘personal’ stories about some of the wolves and
blend in solid science. Are you hopeful that by doing this you will help
people learn more about these wonderful beings and also that they will work
harder to protect them?
AAnyone who has the privilege to watch and study wolves cannot help but
develop great respect and admiration for how they live their lives. I often
thought that many of the wolves I have known were better at being a wolf
than I am at being a person. My mission is to share what I have learned from
having over 100,000 wolf sightings.
What will it take to give wolves more respect and protection and to
alter myths about who they are and what they do?
For centuries humans have hated wolves and exterminated them from most of
their original range, which had been all of North America, Europe, and Asia.
An example of that was how early Yellowstone rangers killed off the original
native population of wolves in 1926. I once heard someone say, “It is hard
to hate someone if you know their story.” If I can tell the story of wolves
like 8 and 21, I hope to help people see them like I do and therefore treat
them with the respect they deserve.br />
What are some of your current projects?
I still go out prior to dawn every day to study wolves, then go home to
write my trilogy about the Yellowstone wolves. My second book will continue
the story of 21 and how he and his mate wolf 42 went on to lead the biggest
wolf pack ever known. The third book will be about 21’s nephew, wolf 302,
who despite their relatedness were polar opposites in personality and
character. After 21s’ death 302 took over as the alpha male of his pack, but
failed to live up to his responsibilities, and a much younger male had to
step up and serve as alpha. Years later, after many more setbacks, 302
turned his life around and became a classic alpha male who died in a heroic
manner. From watching 302 live out his long life, I learned that each wolf
is an individual who constantly makes choices on how to behave.
Is there anything else you would like to tell readers?
I have known wolves that were vastly different in behavior and personality.
One alpha female probably could have been diagnosed as a psychopath. Other
wolves, without hesitation, risked their lives to rescue companions. Some
adult wolves are content to be mid-level in their pack’s hierarchy. Others
are more ambitious and leave the safety of their family’s territory to try
to establish their own pack, a gamble that has a high fatality rate.
IIt is not that I am saying that wolves are like us. What I have learned from
watching and studying wild wolves for over 40 years is that we are like each
Marc: Wolves and other animals need all the help they can get, and The Rise of Wolf 8 is a much-needed step in the right direction. I hope it enjoys a global audience.
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