“After reading Sacred Sendoffs, I find myself living in a more amazing
world, populated by a diverse array of unique individuals, each deserving of
respect and care.” ― Victoria Moran, author of Creating a Charmed Life and
The Good Karma Diet
“Sarah Bowen’s magnificent manifesto Sacred Sendoffs is a call to
acknowledge the divine Aliveness manifesting as our animal companions. If
you befriend animals, read this book. If you don’t, read this book anyway
and you will.” ― Rabbi Rami, author of Perennial Wisdom for the Spiritually
“This book is a gift to all human animals seeking to live more reverently
and lovingly within the larger web of life." ― Cody J. Sanders, Chaplain at
Harvard University & Advisor in the Office of Religious, Spiritual, &
Ethical Life, MIT
“If we heed Bowen’s teachings, perhaps animals will help us become more
nonviolent toward one another―and teach us how to be human.” ― Rev. John
Dear, author of The Nonviolent Life, Living Peace, and other books, and
executive director of www.beatitudescenter.org
“Sarah Bowen is back, and with the characteristic humor and intelligence
that marked Spiritual Rebel, she asks us to consider the more-than-human
world. In crisp, clever language, she presents an elegant manifesto for
improving life―and death―for all beings on sacred Mother Earth. ― Barbara
Becker, author of Heartwood: The Art of Living with the End in Mind
“Sacred Sendoffs articulates the case for extending to all living beings the
compassion, empathy, and reverence that resides at the core of all religions
and wisdom traditions. Her approach is not to preach, scold, or admonish,
but instead to pose questions that inspire thoughtful and honest answers. I
am certain that the reader, and the world, will be in a better place from
these inquiries.” ― William Melton, Co-Founder of the Compassion Consortium
“Sacred Sendoffs is an uplifting spiritual masterpiece. With blessings on
every page, this is one of those books we will all keep close at hand to
read again and again.” ― Judy Carman, author of Peace to All Beings and
co-chair of the Interfaith Vegan Coalition
“With humour and grace, animal chaplain Sarah Bowen shares her invaluable
insight and advice on pet loss, animal welfare, and environmental issues.” ─
A Modern Dog Magazine Book Club Pick
Sarah Bowen is an animal chaplain and a co-founder of Compassion Consortium, the first interfaith, interspiritual, and interspecies community for people who care about and advocate for animals and the planet. She also companions animals through death, creates sacred memorial rituals, counsels humans grieving animal loss, and advocates for exploited and endangered species in both religious and secular contexts. Sarah is also an academic dean at One Spirit Interfaith Seminary, where she encourages people to align their spiritual values with animal and planetary welfare. In addition, she has presented on animal death and interspecies spirituality in a wide range of venues, including United Nations World Interfaith Harmony Week, Parliament of the World’s Religions, Compassion Arts Festival, Pace E Bene’s Campaign Nonviolence Action Week, The Spiritual Forum, and numerous podcasts including Spirituality & Health’s Essential Conversations.
Also visit Compassion Consortium - The Compassion Consortium is a non-sectarian religious center providing spiritual guidance, support, and fellowship to vegans, vegetarians, animal rights activists, and all humans who care about and advocate for animals and the planet. We are Interfaith, Interspiritual, and Interspecies.
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