Loved this book! Engrossing story with deep message of kindness towards
all living things. Vegan families in particular will enjoy the story. Video
of my 10 year old reading it to her siblings!
~ Samantha Rodman Whiten
This is a sweet and moving story where the children set the example to
remind us that we are not the owners of the planet, we are but a part of it.
What a wonderful way to help us be respectful and kind to all species on
~ Irwin Brodsky
It is good to read a children's book that sends the message that animals
deserve to be treated with compassion and respect. Just like the characters
in this book, most children have no idea where meat comes from or how
animals are exploited for clothing and dairy products. The Spirit's Message
explains so much in a kind, thoughtful way the important points about how
animals should be treated. Not just pets. All animals. Kudos to the author
Beth Levine and the illustrator, artist Revers Lab, and the publisher Who
Chains You.
~ Rob / Amazon reviewer
In this well written and very nicely illustrated book, two children named
Sara & Justin go on an adventure of discovery in order to break free from
their cultural programming and learn that they can indeed choose to live
without exploiting non-animals for their trivial, selfish desires. Although
this may be considered a childrens book, most adults could also greatly
benefit from pondering this critical message of true peace & non-violence
and to align their beliefs with their actions by follow the Golden Rule for
ALL sentient beings.
~ M. Gillono / Amazon reviewer
I adore this story. When we are young most of us have a natural
compassion, but it gets conditioned out of us by our relatives, communities,
media, etc. This book tells kids that their compassion is right and good and
that they have the power to make a positive difference in the world. Add
that to the lovely story and this book is an ideal read for all kids and
adults alike.
~ Ella Joy / Amazon reviewer
This is a sweet and moving story where the children set the example to
remind us that we are not the owners of the planet, we are but a part of it.
What a wonderful way to help us be respectful and kind to all species on
~ Richard J. Peppin
Beth Levine is sparked by creativity and enjoys coming up with ideas, spending time with her dog, being in nature. She often uses her writing and art to promote animal rights.
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