Leo/Amazon review
Absolutely mind-blowing. A new level of veganism has been
reached for me. As he states in the book, invisibility is the industry's
best friend here and this book blows the doors wide open. i hope more people
will be exposed to this practice that kills millions of animals without our
knowledge or even our consent. Any self-respecting person who advocates as
pro-medical science ought to read this book. 8%, folks.
Thank you so much for writing this book. i know this had to be extremely
hard and the backlash excruciating.... however if this book wasn't written-
there would be no backlash which would be helping the industry with yet more
invisibility. it took a lot of courage and i absolutely applaud what you
did. sometimes our hardest, yet most enlightening lessons come from the most
horrendous places. i know i would have never learned about anything in this
book without reading your experience because i wouldn't have ever exposed
myself directly to it... exactly the same way most people never slaughter
their own animals for food and even find the idea repulsive. im thankful for
this book. very well written and engaging. i found it hard to put down. i
will highly recommend this book for the rest of my life, if it ever comes up
in discussion or debate. thank you again for another life-changing read.
Alessandra/Amazon review
A riveting essential read for the entire human population... a heartbreaking eye opener that will sicken to the core...xxAs a life-long animal advocate, I knew I had to review this book for Mr. Slusher. There was no option. Although it was extremely tough to get started, when I finally had the guts, I finished it in 3 hours. This book is a must-read for the medical students, pharmacology students, the politicians, pharmaceutical CEO's, biologists,the indifferent population, and all those who already advocate for the welfare and justice for these imprisoned souls. The former vivisectionist turned vegan paints an accurate horrific picture of the macabre profession of animal torture taking place in laboratories managed by monsters and surrounded in secrecy. They exist in an almost secret society where most don't talk about what really goes on in these dungeons of torture that roll in the big money. This book exposes the macabre and sadistic "procedures" and "experiments" done on a daily basis in this country and takes into account the innocent wasted lives so easily disposed of purportedly in the name of Science. This book challenges that perception and goes beyond the walls of Hell to set the record straight about the lies of animal experimentation and the real reasons behind it.
Jack McMillan/Amazon review
I loved the book. Very very brave of him to write it. Yes, there are difficult to read accounts in it. But don't shy away from purchasing this book because it tells the raw truth. It needed to be told and it needs to be read, far and wide. The details he allowed his memory to go to, well, if he can go there, the least we can do is go there with him, and with the animals he speaks of. There is a call here for readers to match his bravery by reading this honest work.
Equally impressive was his transformation, and his heartfelt articulation of the remorse he feels and shares with his readers. It is so impressive how he does not hide from what he did, but uses it to educate and change others, and this horrific industry. His insights into that industry, and the absurdity of it, seen from the inside, are so critically important to relate and expose. He does a near perfect job of that. And his final chapter, "Reformation", really brings it all home. His sincerity throughout, and then his humble reflections, and his story of transformation in the end, makes the rest of the book irrefutably convincing. And genuine. Buy this book, if for no other reason than to help Michael in his quest to open eyes to the truth of this horrific industry.
Pamela Castllo/Amazon review
This man should be praised as he began to see what he was doing as a vivisectionist and stopped the practise. He is obviously deeply sorrowful for the deaths he caused.
Lori/Amazon review
I would recommend everyone to read this especially the ones who believe animal research is necessary. Thank you to Michael Slusher for your bravery in telling us your story.
Michael Slusher worked as a research biologist for many years before pursuing a career that was more in line with his ethics and morals. Still interested in animals, he earned a degree in Anthropology, with a focus on Zooarchaeology - the study of animal remains as found within a human archaeological context. After recognizing the cruel and exploitative role humans play in the lives of animals, he became dedicated to vegan education and outreach. This book is his first major step towards that goal. He and his wife currently reside in New Mexico and are owned by several rescued cats.
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