Janet Riddle
Through Opened Eyes
113 pages
Comb Bound Book Copyright © 2004
To Purchase, Contact Janet Riddle at:
119 N. Lew St.
Plano, IL. 60545 USA
[email protected]
Price: $13.00 each Cash, Check, or Money Order
Through Opened Eyes is an excellent, well-organized handbook of facts, information, and poetry that everyone who truly cares about animals should have at their fingertips. The title of Janet Riddle’s book itself is well chosen and reflects her own awakening to the plight of the animals. It speaks to those, like us, who have also become aware and have chosen to do whatever we can to peaceably bring positive change for those who suffer at the hands of our fellow humans.
The wide range of topics covered is truly all encompassing: agriculture, vivisection, hunting and fur, entertainment, religion, activism. Under the heading of Resources you’ll find addresses and websites arranged according to issues.
Here you’ll find Janet Riddle’s poetry to inspire you, touch your heart, and motivate you, as well as the facts and figures you’ll need to use in writing about or discussing animal issues. This book will save you time – more time to do what you can to help the animals, instead of searching around for that mislaid address, article, etc.
We have been reading and publishing many of Janet Riddle's poems on our web site over the years, and have been inspired and emotionally touched by her ways of speaking for those who can't speak for themselves. Now her collection is available in book form for all to have.
Do buy Through Opened Eyes by Janet Riddle. You’ll be glad you did and so will the animals you help as a result.
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