Book Reviews and Author Interviews from

The Vegan Evolution: Transforming Diets and Agriculture By Dr. Gregory Tague

Interviewed by Marc Bekoff, Psychology Today / Animal Emotions

Publisher: Taylor & Francis

vegan evolution
The Vegan Evolution: Transforming Diets and Agriculture (Routledge Studies in Food, Society and the Environment) By Dr. Gregory Tague
Available at
ISBN: 9781032267623

About the Author:

Gregory F. Tague is a Professor in the Departments of Literature, Writing and Publishing and Interdisciplinary Studies and founder and senior developer of The Evolutionary Studies Collaborative at St. Francis College, New York, USA. He is also the founder and organizer of a number of Darwin-inspired Moral Sense Colloquia and has written numerous books, including most recently An Ape Ethic and the Question of Personhood (2020), Art and Adaptability: Consciousness and Cognitive Culture (2018), Evolution and Human Culture (2016), and Making Mind: Moral Sense and Consciousness (2014).


As I read Dr. Gregory Tague's forceful, comprehensive, reasonably argued, and futuristic new book The Vegan Evolution: Transforming Diets and Agriculture, I came to realize, once again, that a "vegan ethic" isn't a radical idea that is only about our meal plans. It also underlies a way of living that touches numerous other areas, including cultural and biological evolution, food ecology, food justice, and economics.

Note that the title for Gregory's book reads "evolution" rather than "revolution." He writes, "This book is about the human diet, what it was, how it changed, and its power to transform health, norms, and the environment for years to come." These transformations are much-needed cultural adaptations to a rapidly changing world that occur much more rapidly than biological adaptations.

Marc Bekoff: Why did you write The Vegan Evolution?

Gregory Tague: The Vegan Evolution sprang from my interests in evolutionary and animal studies. In 2020 I published a book called An Ape Ethic (for which you interviewed me). While most people focus on the similarities between humans and great apes, I was fascinated by the differences. For example, apes and many other "animals," from worms to beavers, act as ecosystem engineers to ably sustain green habitats.



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