Herbivore Press
Copyright © 2011 Sayward Rebhal
ISBN: 978-0-9801440-3-1
$12.99 US
We found Vegan Pregnancy Survival Guide to be both and interesting and informative book. It is written in a light-hearted conversational manner, which make the reading more enjoyable.
In Vegan Pregnancy Survival Guide, Sayward suggests that women began planning for a vegan pregnancy even before they get pregnant, and then walks the future mother through the various stages of pregnancy up through delivery, including such subjects as: nutrition and cravings, troubleshooting potential trimester problems, preparing for labor and hospital stay, social stuff, and the actual delivery. She then goes on the postpartum issues, including: life with baby and nutrition for vegan breastfeeding. The only thing we disagreed with was her discussion on placentophagy.
We recommend Vegan Pregnancy Survival Guide for every young woman as a helpful guide for a future or pending pregnancy.
Sayward Rebhal is a scientist, writer, mover and shaker who lives on an urban micro-homestead in Portland, Oregon. Sayward spends her days keeping house and raising her pint-sized plant eater, cooking up kitchen witchery and digging in her garden, and somehow finding time to write amidst the madness. She blogs at BonzaiAphrodite.com.
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