The definitive, stand-alone companion book to the acclaimed
documentary—now with 50 plant-based recipes and full-color photos to help
you start changing your health for the better
There's something terribly broken in our industrial food, medical, and
pharmaceutical systems. What's going wrong? Can we really avoid the leading
causes of death just by changing our diet? Kip Andersen and Keegan Kuhn,
creators of the revolutionary What the Health and the award-winning
Cowspiracy documentaries, take readers on a science-based tour of the
hazards posed by consuming animal products—and what happens when we stop.
What the Health will guide you on an adventure through this maze of
misinformation with the same fresh, engaging approach that made the
documentary so popular. Journey with Andersen and Kuhn as they crisscross
the country, talking to doctors, dietitians, public health advocates,
whistle-blowers, and world-class athletes, to uncover the truth behind the
food we eat. With the help of writer Eunice Wong, they empower eaters with
knowledge about the lethal entwining of the food, medical, and
pharmaceutical industries, and about the corporate web that confuses the
public and keeps Americans chronically—and profitably—ill.
Watch What the Health: The Startling Truth Behind the Foods We Eat.
Kip Andersen is the executive director of Animals United
Movement (A.U.M.) Films & Media—a nonprofit dedicated to producing films and
media promoting sustainable, compassionate, and peaceful living. He is the
co-director of the groundbreaking documentary film
Cowspiracy, the
Sustainability Secret.
Keegan Kuhn is an award winning documentary filmmaker,
video producer, and professional musician. He runs First Spark Media, a
video production company tailored to creating videos and films for
non-profit organizations and conscientious companies. He is the director of
Turlock: The Documentary, Something To Be Thankful For, and co-director of
the groundbreaking environmental film
What the Health: The Startling Truth Behind the Foods We Eat.
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