Christian Ministries for AnimalsCalifornia: Eureka - Maureen and Richard DeLorme, Coordinators
Christian Ministries for Animals and the People Who Care About Them - A Compassion Internet Christian Church Ministry From

California: Eureka - Maureen and Richard DeLorme, Coordinators

Our mission is to start up a non-denominational, Christian animal ministry in the Eureka California area. 

We want to develop a local compassionate Christian fellowship that offers prayer for both humans and other animals, and that seeks to end the exploitation of animals and their horrendous suffering.

We have been working to end the church sanctioned and sponsored hunting.

We will also officiate at funeral and memorial services for companion animals, and minister to those who grieve their loss.

Both Maureen and Richard are born-again Christians, published writers, and lay ministers.

Contact Maureen and Richard at [email protected]

Letters from Maureen and Richard

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