My passion is to save as many animals from suffering needlessly as possible. I strongly believe that God’s original design was for mankind to flourish on a plant based diet without consuming animals or any animal by-products, and that our human bodies suffer if we do consume animal products. We can also take care of the poor and hungry better by helping them thrive on a plant based diet. Plus, the animal agriculture industry is severely damaging this beautiful planet God has given us to live on. I feel so many people are blind to the harm humans are doing by the way we feed, cloth, clean and entertain ourselves.
I live in Ottawa, Canada. As a Christian I became vegan in 2005. I believe that a vegan lifestyle is pleasing to God with its message of love, kindness, compassion, mercy and justice for all.
I’m always looking for fellow minded Christian vegans and ways to help, inspire and support people to understand how we can make a positive difference in God’s world. I am willing to meet with people individually, in a group, with their church or with pastors, to share ideas or discuss what, I feel, is a clear message of living simply, with God at the centre, in love, compassion and peace for all.
If you are interested in helping to hand out Christian Vegetarian Association CVA literature or helping run a CVA table at local Ottawa events, your suggestions and your support are always welcome.
Many years ago now, the two 18-year-old dogs I shared my life with and had the privilege of considering part of my family, died within 6 months of each other. I was left feeling very alone as my Christian support group didn’t recognise my loss. As a consequence of this, I offer a listening ear to others grieving the loss of a companion animal, including officiating at funeral and memorial services for departed beloved companion animals.
Please feel free to contact me if you want to chat, looking for support or share ideas.
Anne Sturgeon
[email protected]
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