I have founded a church for humans and animals, which is named ASC (Animal Spirit Church) a church that has its roots in the gospel, in the glad tidings of Jesus Christ but also includes our fellow-creatures, non human creatures – the animals. Animal Spirit Church regards animals as its fellow creatures.
In the Gospel (the Good News of Jesus Christ) we find clues that we can implement here on Earth. We know that one thing is clear - when we downplay the suffering od our Brothers and Sisters, we cannot create the Kingdom of God.
We desire to hand over the Good News about the Kingdom of God to animals, which give us and them the Peace and the Liberation. Animal Spirit Church sees fellow beings in animals.
See the
Animal Spirit Church ASC brochure in English (PDF).
See the
Animal Spirit Church ASC brochure in Polish (PDF).
Animal Spirit Prayer
God, lover of life
God of beauty, goodness and permanent emotion
God of love and light
God of the broken reed
God of unbounded horizons
and of endless sunrises
God of the oppressed, the thirsty
the persecuted and the nameless
God of tears shed in solitude
God of the lonely and victimised
Creatures, both animal and human
God of Noah's Arc
Our Father, who art in heaven
hallowed be thy name
in them as it is in us
They kingdom come
to them as it will to us
Thy will be done
in them as it is in us
Give us this day, our daily bread
to them as to us
Let us not be abandoned, overwhelmed
by dark solitude and sadness
neither them nor us
Dry the eyes of every sufferer
theirs and ours
Give us the peace, the world cannot give us
to them, and to us
Send us people of good will, the bearers of the Gospel
people bringing peace
to them and to us
Unite us in building a better world
for them, as it is for us
And when the day comes
when we breath our last
they and us
Gather us beneath your azure sky
In the land of everlasting sun
on endless meadows of their eternal pasture
them and us
M.Mag.Tomasz Jaeschke
Berlin, Germany
[email protected]
[email protected]
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