Christian Ministries for AnimalsNew Ark Ministries...
Christian Ministries for Animals and the People Who Care About Them - A Compassion Internet Christian Church Ministry From

 New Ark Ministries

New Ark Ministries is for those who love animals - knowing or wanting to know ways to help animals, all inclusive which of course would mean their, the animals', right to life without threat, one day walking in peace with "man" God would have it according to Christianity.

New Ark Ministries is The First World Wide Ministry for Animals and people.

New Ark Ministries is Christian based standing on God's word: "Go ye out into all the world and preach the Gospel to EVERY creature."

ALL PEOPLE REGARDLESS OF FAITH, CREED OR RELIGION are welcome to request of or come aboard on this New Ark that floats on the water Jesus.

Founder of New Ark Ministries, Lisa Barrie, is an animal communicator available by appointment for counsel. Counsel is done by phone or in person.

There is NO fee for SITUATIONS DEEMED Emergency or "LIFE or DEATH."

PRAYERS and BLESSINGS FOR ANIMALS and PEOPLE are given freely for those who ask.

We greet with open arms all animals.

May you be prosperous, giving and well!and MAY GOD BLESS YOU MORE!

Contact Information

Lisa Barrie, Animal Communicator
New Ark Ministries on Facebook

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