Vegan Pastor
A Compassion Internet Christian Church Ministry From

God's Creatures Ministry
Wayne, NJ

God's Creatures Ministry (GCM) is a non-profit organization with a mission for all animals to be treated by people with kindness. We promote compassion, respect and protection of all sentient creatures and encourage churches and similar organizations to have either their own animal ministry or GCM extension. We advocate sharing the environment with all creation in peace and harmony.

God's Creatures Ministry

Our mission is to light the way to the kingdom of God by promoting compassion for all animals. All of creation is groaning in labor pains waiting for the revelation of the children of God – hoping to be set free from slavery to corruption (see Romans 8:19-22). Jesus came to set the captive free. He is holding all things together (see Col. 1:15-17) until He comes again in glory.

The way we view and treat animals affects and reflects our relationship with God.

Since God is compassionate to every creature (Psalm 145:9), GCM strives to spread His compassion to all He has made. There will be a time when all animals will live peaceably together and there will be no more suffering (Is. 65:25). This is God’s will on Earth as it is in Heaven. Being His adopted children and made in His image, we follow His commission to be caretakers for all of His creation (see Gen. 1:26, 28).

GCM promotes a healthy lifestyle, remembering that the body is a temple of the Holy Spirit (1Cor. 6:19). Most diseases are a result of poor diet and living outside of God’s will morally and physically.

Jan Fredericks, Founder of God's Creatures Ministry is a licensed counselor and Christian Educator.

Contact Information

God's Creatures Ministry
PO Box 3666
Wayne, NJ 07474
[email protected]

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