Christian Ministries for AnimalsWhy We Have This Outreach Ministry
Christian Ministries for Animals and the People Who Care About Them - A Compassion Internet Christian Church Ministry From

Why We Have This Outreach Ministry

By Frank and Mary Hoffman

During our many years of church ministry, we saw a tremendous gap in the ministry of the church when it came to providing comfort and support to people who care about animals, and who live a compassionate vegetarian (vegan) lifestyle.

We put animals on our prayer list along with the humans of our churches, never excluded animals from our services, and gave whatever comfort and support we could to people who care about animals.

Even though this ministry was very successful, we ran into a great deal of resistance from the denomination hierarchy. In our opinion, this totally unChristian attitude is very similar to what Jesus saw among the Temple leadership when He called them hypocrites.

So, by the mid 1990's we made the decision to leave the formal church ministry and begin our ministry on the internet as a way of reaching out to people in need all around the world. We learned everything we could about the internet and how we could best utilize it. In 1997, we formed The Mary T. and Frank L. Hoffman Family Foundation (a 501 (c) (3) charitable organization), and began our internet ministry in January 1998.

Within ten years, we were receiving more than ten million visitors a year, and we estimated that we ministered to more than one million people around the world who cared about animals and who were not receiving the support and comfort from their churches that they needed. Sadly, many of these people had left their church because of the hardness of heart they had encountered from their congregation and pastor. And hardly a day goes by when we don't hear from someone new who is facing this problem and/or has already left their church.

In 2008, our Board made the decision to expand our ministry to assist pastors and lay ministers to provide this much-needed support and comfort to people who care about animals, by listing compassionate churches and pastors, and by setting up grass-roots ministries.

If you are interested in becoming a part of this compassionate ministry, please let us know.

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