Christian Bowhunters of America: Is it really Christian?

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Christian Bowhunters of America
Is it really Christian?
Comment by Frank and Mary Hoffman - 8 Jun 2007

Dear Rick:

No where in the Bible do we hear of the disciples eating any animals other than fish, and in the end Jesus even pulls them away from being fisherman, a profession to which they never returned. God did not want Peter to eat other animals, he wanted to shock him into understand that it was ok to go and visit the Gentiles in their homes. That was all. You need to look at this from a Jewish perspective.

We are also very concerned about human souls, too, and the act of killing requires people to harden their hearts to not feel compassion for their victims. When a person is born again they are supposed to have a softened heart to replace their hardened heart. This is one of the reasons that Jesus taught us to pray for our Father's heavenly will to be done on earth as it is in heaven, where there is no pain or death.

In the Love of the Lord,

Frank and Mary

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