Christian Bowhunters of America: Is it really Christian?
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Christian Bowhunters of America
Is it really Christian?
Comment by Rick Faust - 9 Jun 2007
Hi again,
Thanks for your comments. I do agree the deeper thing that Christ was trying to impress on Peter was that gentiles needed the gospel too. No argument there.
I'm glad to hear you say you are concerned about human souls too. I assumed so but we don't know each other very well yet so you never know.
I don't want to be irritating by firing a lot of questions at you but I am interested in your thoughts on some of my questions. You seem to be doing this as a ministry so won't be worn out by me asking some things. If that's not the case please let me know. So here's some things that interest me;
Do you think animals and humans are on the same level of importance to God? Assuming you believe we are more important that animals my next question would be are you pro-life and, if so, how involved are you in promoting pro-life issues?
I'm wondering if you are pacifists. If so, to what degree? I have really considered what I believe along those lines and am comfortable with my conclusions. I'd like to hear yours.
Concerning Christ's sacrifice for us, what did He accomplish on the cross? What is required of us to be sons and daughters of God?
I realize I'm going all over the place with my questions but, if you're up for it, I would like to hear what you believe. I'm not trying to bait you and then lower the boom. I may disagree but I think I'm open enough that I can be influenced, and even changed, when I hear real truth.
No rush, we're all busy with jobs, family and such but when you get a chance I would like to hear your thoughts.
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